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Évaluations récentes de Thor

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80.8 h en tout (37.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
+12 Hours in record in one day !!

I lost interest in all the games i already have.. BF3,BF4,BFH and COH2

two thing were in my mind in game

What a game!! What a lovely game

& Verdi - Requiem: Dies Irae !! whenever i go smashing and blowing up enemy cars

it feel so satisfing

here what i thiunk about the game ...

1- enemy base has different levels of dificulty which makes think twice about your next srep ... though i still encountering second level of difficulty but i've seen that in AC: Unity ... different game same ideas

2- Combat system is great .... using your shotgun and knife as finisher .. in addition to other way of finishing ... breaking enemy bones/ jaws.... or smash their chest/head with your feet... I love the way Max would jump kick his enemies after several cambos

3- Graphics... they are Great .. but not that perfect ... even with High texture details ... just forget about being in a game with perfect graphics and wait for the sand storms to blow up on you and live in complete darkness

4- Vechicle upgrades & Max upgrade ... you will need tons of tons of scraps to do so ... Max and his Magnum Opus has i lot of work to be upgraded.... my plan salvage all what you can get... patrol cars ... has the least .. upgrade strong hold to gain like auto generating scraps after some time .... I wish if could upgrade the buggy to make it a bit stronger.... I am not sure if you could or not yet!!

5- One Question ... how you'r gonna feel when your enemy try to encounter you and all for sudden before finishing them off with their cars,... they would run in panic from you !!! Satisfied??!!!

6- the Dog in some cases would be annoying when looking for ther mines even if you faces the direction he is looking at and no mines reveals

in sum.. go and get it :D

it is worth the money
Évaluation publiée le 5 septembre 2015.
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