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0.8 uur in totaal
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I actually had a friend buy this for me a while ago thinking this would make a great replacement for Phasmophobia. Thankfully we both refunded it before it was too late.

The AI for Bigfoot was braindead, it got stuck on a rock and we killed it with our basic spawn weapons when we realized that it had no clue how to attack us. The environment was actually terrifying so when we got to this idiotic monkey-looking mf sitting in a cave doing nothing it just killed the half hour we'd spent scared about how we were all gonna be brutally murdered in the night. We had no idea what to do and then suddenly the game was over.

Plus, all the connectivity issues and bad UI you'd expect from an early access game.

This game was made by monkeys.

Sidenote: Read some of the stuff written by other people who bought this, it's pretty bad if it's true.
Geplaatst 10 oktober 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 23 oktober 2021.
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34.5 uur in totaal (28.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Besides the annoying DRM and the micro-transactions (that should never be in any paid game, seriously WTF), the game is just kinda...fine. It's pretty repetitive and really isn't worth finishing IMO but the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ending is why I can't recommend this game.

Now don't get me wrong, the gunplay is good. It's pretty fun to just be a freaking meat-tank with adamantium skin and mow down the entire population of Montana. But between getting constantly kidnapped with no chance of escape any time there NEEDS to be a cutscene , the lack of a cohesive storyline, the nonsense ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ending (regardless of your nearly non-existent choices) and the boring silent protagonist who's just kinda...there, I can't recommend anyone buy this over Far Cry 3. Having now finished the game in 28 hrs, I can't help but feel disappointed ( SERIOUSLY, YOU DON'T EVEN GET TO KILL THE BIG BAD IN THIS ONE ). For an $80 game, expect more story, less micro-transactions.
Geplaatst 8 juli 2021.
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25.2 uur in totaal (16.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Just doing this for the tasks on the Steam Grand Prix, is good game
Geplaatst 4 juli 2019.
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2.8 uur in totaal (2.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Now let me start off by saying this, I like writing reviews both good and bad and most of them tend to have a simple intro then I talk about cetain categories about how well the game was designed, written, voice-acted, I commend for things that need a commendation (in my opinion) and I critisize problems.

I can't do that here.

I'll try to stay away from spoilers but essentially The Beginner's Guide is a series of random, nonsensical levels with a narrator talking about the developer who goes by the name of Coda... I'm sorry I really thought this paragraph was going to be longer when I started writing it.

I can't really use my normal format because...the game itself isn't quite normal. It can't really be put into a proper format. It's emotional, it's excellent, I can't help but to recommend it. To hear the narrator talk about Coda is sad, it's amazing, it's a heartbreaking story.

Seriously, this is a story based game, don't play it if you're expecting something like The Stanley Parable, this is much slower than that.

My only critisism is that the normal price is too high for an 80 minute game. (Sale price is pretty damn good though.)

I HAVE to recommend this game, this work of art to anyone who just loves a good story and doesn't need gameplay.

PS: (Yes I know about the possibility that Coda may or may not be real, we can't really know for certain unless a lawsuit is filed or if the creator comes out and says that Coda isn't real.)
Geplaatst 7 juni 2018.
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10.1 uur in totaal (3.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
So uhh...just beat the game. Got Outlast 2 from Humble monthly so I figured I might as well finish the first one uhhh...4 hours? Really?

This game is $20 and it only takes 4 hours to beat with no replayability? Ugh.

But in all seriousness though, consider this sort of a neutral review. On the one hand the game has a lot of amazing features, the environment is scary, the world is creepy, they really go full out on what they can do with the setting (not spoiling it). The gameplay is sometimes phenomenal, sometimes annoying and sometimes mediocre. I'd say that as a horror game it does really well but as a game itself it's kinda lacking and broken, I'll get into it.

Gameplay: So you play as an investigative reporter who enters a mental asylum where people have in some cases been mutated. Now, because you're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot reporter, you bring your press pass and a camera and expect safety and access wherever you want it but you don't get it, so you end up getting chased by mutated psychopaths because Y O U ' R E A N O R M I E (I don't actually know why, because horror game's gotta horror). The AI is pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥, every single psycho has the memory of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ goldfish but at the same time...if they had anything more than that you'd be permadead. You hide under beds, wait for music cues for when they're chasing you and run around until you figure out what to do. Overall, it's dumb but also satisfying and what the game does best, it's kinda brilliant but stupid,

There are also obligatory jumpscares, I hate them, they're not scary they just cause a reaction in the fight or flight system, get them out of games/movies/almost anything horror related and just be scary, what is this FNAF?

Graphics, for a 20$ game they're pretty damn good. Not Final Fantasy XV good but still pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good (which is important because graphics actually do matter in a horror game).

Sound: Music isn't anything special it gets the job done but the sound effects are above average. They're fine.

What needs improving?: Enemies that look like they could break your neck with one hand can't walk over a table, all the enemies are similar (except the last one), the ending dissapointed me, I hate that the game ends in the DLC, enemies understand how to open doors until they don't, and ultimately game length.

Final thoughts: It's a really good game, definitely worth the $20. But I still have to say...maybe buy it on sale. It's a really good game but it has glaring flaws that need to be fixed. I'm pretty sure this game came out before Alien: Isolation and while this game was certainly great and worth playing I feel like that did it better. Don't come to Outlast looking for any kind of challenge and if you plan on getting into the horror genre then definitely try Outlast. 7/10
Geplaatst 13 mei 2018.
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1.1 uur in totaal

I hate talking about a game before finishing it or seeing all it has to offer but I'm starting to get the sinking feeling that I'll never touch this game again. Why will I never touch this game again? B E C A U S E I T ' S B O R I N G.

Yeah, it's a monster hunter ripoff...and that's fine so long as they bring the same amount of depth, gameplay mechanics and all around fun that the series brought me (maybe without some of the complicated ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I need a wiki for). But the problem with this is that while they're trying to insert a story everything takes forever. It took me about 45 minutes to get through all the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cutscenes before I could actually play the game and by then all my enthusiasm had just been eroded into nothing.

The game actually suffers from a lot of the same problems that the old monster hunters did:
  • Repetitive Areas
  • Boring starting enemies
  • A dissapointing soundtrack

    And what it brings to the table is:
  • Guns to be used with any melee weapon
  • Anime

    ...Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly hate anime I look at everything as it is but honestly every character is just some other anime trope (oh god, I actually know enough to know about anime character tropes now, end this nightmare quick)! You got the uhh...hardened vet who's got no character but might have a dark backstory, you got the nerdy guy who's ripped straight from Attack on Titan (blond hair and all). If the game is just gonna follow a traditional anime cookiecutter format, then I'm not gonna bother being interested in it.

    Think monster hunter but everything is even more stiff and it feels like it was made in 2003...yeah, not good.

    Better than RWBY: GE (though that isn't saying much, seriously that game gave me a new respect for sound design).

    Overall the game feels like a cheap version of monster hunter but with an actual story and uhh...anime. Yeah, I'm probably going to end up playing this game again now that I'm through the 45 minute boring prologue (I thought the MGS:V Prologue was gonna be the most annoying prologue I'd ever come across but at least that was semi-interesting). But don't count on it. I really wanted the game to be good but as I've said, all my excitement, anticipation and hope for this game have been utterly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ obliterated by the passage of time.
Geplaatst 20 april 2018.
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6.0 uur in totaal
First; inferior to civ 5 just go buy that when you can.

Second; don't buy the deluxe edition it doesn't give you the dlcs, they lied.
Geplaatst 7 februari 2018.
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0.1 uur in totaal

Now, I've wanted this game for years but after 5 minutes I HAVE to refund it. Why do I HAVE to refund it? BECAUSE THIS ISN'T A PC GAME.

First, understand that I'm running this on a laptop with the specs it recommends. YET IT'S STILL JITTERY AS ♥♥♥♥. MY FPS IS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TOAST!


Third: Everything has ALREADY glitched out for me, I've already broken the physics, I was in a game for 30 seconds! IT TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH TO GUESS MY WAY THROUGH THE MENU AND GRAPHICS OPTIONS WITH THE CONTROL SCHEME THEY REFUSED TO GIVE ME.

I usually take SO much longer to judge a game, but if this is what I found within five minutes of a game I've wanted FOR TWO DAMN YEARS?! Then this game is broken as ♥♥♥♥. If there's a PS version get that at $5, then buy a couple for your friends so you have someone to play it with.
Geplaatst 25 december 2017.
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10.5 uur in totaal (4.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
(I do love this game so don't hate me for my critisisms...please? If you feel offended skip ahead past the disclaimer)

Now, I haven't finished this game yet but nothing that happens could really change what I'm about to write. Is the game perfect as some people say? Ha ha ha...no. If I were writing this review based on the constant praise this game gets from some people then I'd be pretty pissed while writing this.

So just to leave you with a sense of where this game shines, I'm going to start with the bad stuff.

Optimization: Yes, you read that right. I don't usually write about optimization in my reviews but the reason I've taken so long to even play this game is because I originally gave up on starting it. The game crashes a lot when I try to start it and I have to cross my fingers as to whether or not it'll work. Thankfully, it's only crashed once DURING play so while the crashing is frustrating (and time-consuming) it doesn't affect overall gameplay.

Story: If I were to go by my version of the so-called "perfect game" I'd say that there are much better stories out there in games. Don't play this game for any meaningful story because the one it has is so generic and unoriginal. We all know how it goes, girl gets kidnapped, hero goes off to save her. However even me and my cynicism have to admit that I did laugh a bit at the cutscenes it has and almost feels like a bit of a parady of some of these generic tropes. Basically, I enjoyed it but it didn't kick me right in the feels as Life Is Strange or the KOTOR series have.

Disclaimer: this is where what I say begins to actually matter as to whether or not you'll enjoy the game

Gameplay: Oh my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god, as much as I hate the game (for being a rage inducing bastard) I loved (almost) every minute of it. Yes, I didn't enjoy some of the bosses as much as I'd like but honestly, the gameplay is tight and responsive, the levels are properly challenging and everything feels as though it's meant to keep you determined like no need to keep playing. The gameplay is seriously addicting and feels skillful rather than luck-based. This is the type of game where you know the developers knew what they were doing (you monsters). I genuinely cannot describe the feeling you get after you finally A+ a level you've spent 15 minutes on. I love the gameplay. It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ brilliant.

Music: The music was actually very well done, while some would argue that I'm underplaying it but I felt like the music just fit. It wasn't some distracting rock album or some tear-jerking country soundtrack but rather a well-done arcade-like OST which fit well with the constant focus you feel while playing. I won't remember the music and in a way that's a good thing, if I remembered the music then it would have been distracting and I wouldn't have been able to focus the way I wanted to.

Overall: If you're reading this to decide whether or not to buy the game just go buy it. The game is rage-inducing and yet extremely satisfying to play and (almost) everything fits together perfectly. If you're afraid that it won't work on your computer (it probably will) then buy it for almost nothing during a sale. My only regret in review is not seeing a sequel to this masterpiece.
Geplaatst 19 februari 2017.
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5.7 uur in totaal (1.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's 2.19, it's an alright game, buy it if you want to have a few hours of fun with friends (or alone if you love minesweeper but with more boots).

General note: Half-dead is a cheap game which is honestly just fun. I'd say as much fun as you'd expect from a 2.19$ game but what it lacks in variety it makes up for in concept.

Gameplay: You run around rooms which are colour coded to tell you how many traps are around you (if you're colour blind you may have a problem) your objective is to find the exit in a game where moving into a certain room can mean certain death. Of course, there are different kinds of traps, some which you can survive if you move quickly and some which will trap and kill you.

Graphics: Think Gmod but slightly flashier, character models are reused a lot but there is a workshop to help fix that. But overall, it's a 2.19$ game. What do you expect?

Sound: Eh, music is alright. Not Undertale but not bad.

Multiplayer: With the price of this game I was afraid that the lobby system might work on VAC or even worse with that crappy IP thing that Terraria had. But the lobby was easy to set up and even easier to join. No real glitches from the looks of it in the lobby system but of course, this is why I'm not paid to find glitches in games.

Overall: If you have 2.19$ and you want a quick cheap game to play with friends then go ahead and buy it. It's fun, it's simplistic, it's good. Keep in mind that it's a 2.19$ and enjoy the change of pace from what most big video games have right now.
Geplaatst 22 oktober 2016.
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