3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Ei suositeltu
0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 0.8 tuntia
Julkaistu: 10.10.2021 klo 13.11
Muutettu 23.10.2021 klo 20.45.

Early Access -arvostelu
I actually had a friend buy this for me a while ago thinking this would make a great replacement for Phasmophobia. Thankfully we both refunded it before it was too late.

The AI for Bigfoot was braindead, it got stuck on a rock and we killed it with our basic spawn weapons when we realized that it had no clue how to attack us. The environment was actually terrifying so when we got to this idiotic monkey-looking mf sitting in a cave doing nothing it just killed the half hour we'd spent scared about how we were all gonna be brutally murdered in the night. We had no idea what to do and then suddenly the game was over.

Plus, all the connectivity issues and bad UI you'd expect from an early access game.

This game was made by monkeys.

Sidenote: Read some of the stuff written by other people who bought this, it's pretty bad if it's true.
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