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Yayınlanma: 27 May 2022 @ 3:40

Writing is very mesh. You ever been in a movie theater and thought "Why would they do that?" or "That doesn't sound like something he'd say". They have moments like that meant to feed into the whole emotional movement trope. They over-emphasize how enslaved androids are, but that doesn't mean that there isn't story. My main reason for playing this is not because of the plot. ANDROIDS ARE CODE NOT LIVING. It was because I thoroughly enjoy the choices have consequences theme: the idea that you can't just do things willy nilly, and your philosophies will shape the future of the game, although, when the game is made with a political agenda, some philosophies will be generally punished. I believe that Two Souls is better in terms of overall story, but this was fun in what it had to offer. I thoroughly enjoy the button mashing for combat and choices. If you like choices-matter items or just like the QTE's, you'll like this, if you can tolerate the script when it's ill-made at times
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