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1 person found this review helpful
95.3 hrs on record (55.6 hrs at review time)
My absolute favorite game of the year, and of the Resident Evil series. I myself am quite the stealth fanatic, and it pumps of lot of opportunities in here compared to other games and even the game it's a remake of. I'm still not through it yet, but it has been quite the enjoyable journey. You should play the original tho if you haven't touched it yet.
Posted 22 September, 2023.
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180.3 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
Better than Dead by Daylight imo. Victim's WAY more fun and tense. Not just about distractions and performing correction button queues. It's complicated at first, and it takes some getting used to, but once you have environmental awareness, it becomes a lot more like a fun puzzle (as victims) and a fun game of maze runner as killer. DBD just feels like hide behind obstacles, click on a generator, cat and mouse better than your killer, and you win, but the maps in this one are much bigger and maze-like. Just cuz you're seen doesn't mean the chase is on. Now they just know generally where to find you. You can actually hide and use areas around the environment to run. Not just ride along the walls and run the killer in a circle. Killers in this one are way faster than you too. Hiding becomes a must. In DBD, finding ain't hard, it's just catching them 3 times that is.
Posted 31 August, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
It was alright. Nice to know how her dog died and how she ended up where she is, but honestly, every enemy I came across, me and doggo killed together. He bit them down, and I slayed them. At the time of playing, I actually killed more people with Theresa then with Henry... but as the others say... it is crazy long and boring. The beginning was aight, the middle was dauntingly dull, and the end was whatever. I was honestly just waiting to get back to Henry to continue on my rpg quest some more. Less than halfway through the game, I decided to restart in hardcore mode... but you best bet I stay clear of this option second go around. Once is enough. I will admit though: Trying to kill the first bout of men at your house was fun to try and do.
Posted 8 November, 2022.
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13.5 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Reminds me of the old half life days... except... never been had more hate for a rebel in the half life universe until I get one-offed by singular rebel with a shotgun at only 56 hp. Like yo, the difficulty is surreal in this one, which is honestly a plus.
Posted 27 September, 2022.
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0.1 hrs on record
This game helped me cope with my mental anxiety. It's simple... but when you think about it... so are the answers to the mental problems we face. We just don't give the answers in our mind that much thought... or just choose not to accept them as answers.
Posted 4 September, 2022.
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93.9 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
I FRACKING love it. I didn't know what to expect when coming into a birds-eye-view game, but this game... surprisingly... is addicting... or at least on your first go. I came to this game because I am a huge fan of the original Last Stand series: a game from my childhood. One day, I read that this was being released soon, and thought I should give it a try. Still wish they would finish out all of the extras on Union City. On with this game

It has a unique premise where you don't continuously build up your loot, unlike other games where you have the one character all game. Every time your character dies, you're dealt a new volunteer to go explore the areas looking for supplies. You get a new starting loadout and have to venture again to reacquire yourself an armoury, but each time you die, you get another chance to push through it better and more efficiently and learn from the mistakes of your past dead volunteers. It can be frustrating, especially if you have good loot, but it's a unique frustration of gaming. Despite having to use new volunteers every death, you still get to keep your overall experiences like recipes learned, upgrades bought, and permanent supplies acquired.

If you're a fan of the zombie franchise and don't mind a birds-eye-view or maybe just liked the Last Stand series, well they did well on union city and they did even better here. Check it out
Posted 26 June, 2022.
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1.9 hrs on record
I first played this game as a child back in like... 2013 or something? Maybe 2014? And I loved the game back then. I eventually got into steam, and one day thought, yo what if that game were on here? Found it but saw some bad reviews. One day after relooking at it, I saw some bad reviews showing distaste for some things that I thought.... were the whole point of the game in the first place, so just like any other concerned citizen with the need to be proven absolutely right, I bought the game purely to see if the game was as bad as they say in a steam-converted version.

-And My Thoughts?-

Playing on hardcore mode, resources were way scarcer when I first played on easier modes, but I do prefer my game to be harder and more challenging. I enjoy the challenge of conserving, even if I have to spare some to survivors here and there. Taking on battles wasn't too hard either. You HAVE to use your environment to your advantage. Main things to look for: cliffs, holes, or fires. Anything you can kick them into. If you don't see anything like that, then you just have to shoot them til the last person, then go for the jugular. It's a unique game that relies on a different strategy system. The character is no Ezio or Connor from assassin's creed. He can only take on one guy at a time, so you gotta brain your way to one dude.
Climbing was basic, but it is kinda fun trying to plan your route since you only have so long that you can climb for. Not too much on this subject
I DID NOT play to the very end on this playthrough. My goal was to play for <2 hours and then return it, and I only got as far as getting medicine for the girl (tho never completed the transaction. I have the grappling hook.
Really, the main points of the game is just dealing with climbing and then the constant stream of thugs coming to kill you, and it's not too hard when you know what to look for, but I will admit this: my first encounter with a big crowd... I had trouble figuring out how to kick them into the hole, and instead, initiated melee combat resulting in death, so yes it is tricky, but it is also workable. Other parts I'd die in to since I had to relearn how much time I have before they start to get sus, or whether or not you can just one by one kick em into a cliff (found out the hard way... YOU CAN'T), or at least not in hard mode.

Not a bad game tho, it's just a learning curve. Play if you enjoy climbing and resource management and some quirky combat controls. Otherwise, you're better off playing something more modern. Good luck, gamers
Posted 6 June, 2022.
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44.5 hrs on record (39.7 hrs at review time)
Writing is very mesh. You ever been in a movie theater and thought "Why would they do that?" or "That doesn't sound like something he'd say". They have moments like that meant to feed into the whole emotional movement trope. They over-emphasize how enslaved androids are, but that doesn't mean that there isn't story. My main reason for playing this is not because of the plot. ANDROIDS ARE CODE NOT LIVING. It was because I thoroughly enjoy the choices have consequences theme: the idea that you can't just do things willy nilly, and your philosophies will shape the future of the game, although, when the game is made with a political agenda, some philosophies will be generally punished. I believe that Two Souls is better in terms of overall story, but this was fun in what it had to offer. I thoroughly enjoy the button mashing for combat and choices. If you like choices-matter items or just like the QTE's, you'll like this, if you can tolerate the script when it's ill-made at times
Posted 27 May, 2022.
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109.2 hrs on record (104.9 hrs at review time)
Didn't know what to think at first when playing this. Found it when looking for games similar to Last of Us I think. It looked alright, but i was weary of the motorcycle aspect. Last of Us was linear (which I tend to prefer in games. Less need to explore, can completely search ares without much hassle, and generally more story rich), but when I got into the game, the shooting was alright, the tracking part was alright, the motorcycle was alright at first, but the world building and characters were what I think kept me going back in.
During my first playthrough, I was constantly debating returning it (despite having owned it for two weeks), but eventually, I grew rather addicted to it, playing it for hours. At first I treated it like a stealth game, but realizing that everything respawns eventually (pointless to spend so much time just taking down one area which would otherwise be a simple few clicks and loss of ammunition), but I eventually got into the open sandbox groove and actually for the protagonist and wanted to see justice paid or the loved reunited. On an additional note, this game has rekindled my love for motorcycle riding, and I will probably look for a dirt bike racing game now to enjoy that.
Posted 26 May, 2022.
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28.0 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
One of the best stealth games I have ever played. Combines manageable stealth mechanics, inventory mechanics, and fps survival moments into a very fun and immersive game. Better than a lot of the games made nowadays. 2014 knew where it was at.
Posted 21 October, 2021.
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