4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 0.9 hrs on record
Posted: 15 Aug @ 10:38am
Updated: 26 Sep @ 1:52pm
Product received for free

As of now in the demo, the balance is pretty weird. The arena feels awful to play because of how you can get walled randomly.

The campaign was alright for a pve/story mode, but doesn't bring anything new to this genre in terms of actual gameplay.

There is a gacha system and It uses currency from dailies. I'm not sure if they intend to sell currency. Take this feature as it is.

It's still early so I'm sure things will get fleshed out, but as of right now I can't recommend it .
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Developer response:
MM_Bridge  [developer] Posted: 26 Sep @ 1:48pm
Hey there thanks for the feedback! Just wanted to note that we've completely redesigned the matchmaking in the latest demo build. Would love your feedback on it.

We have no intention of selling the currencies! They're purely a progression mechanic
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