Sudrenth aug. 27., 15:53 
i had a frontier 73c sniper sir. literally used it every game I played yesterday, and the day before. and in the same game as you. imagine getting that upset over a gun thats in the game tho lol.
Mike Hawkberns aug. 26., 18:23 
use something other than a mosin you f4cking p4ssy. Literal genuine p4ssy with a tiny pp
Sudrenth júl. 15., 10:34 
Thanks Kalperun! I honestly love to entertain the cry babies like WildCat.
Kalperun júl. 12., 5:08 
A goated comment section honestly LMFAO Love to see your doing good!
אָי júl. 7., 18:36 
It's okay brothers. lol.
I can see how much of that "cuck" mental you and your friends have.
Suits you tho, considering how you play the game only to lose. Your comment section being full of people saying how much of a coward and boring ass player you and your friends are is proof enough.
Glad you could enjoy this tho, no wonder you enjoy it to the core. Some losers like you are needed to keep balance in this world. GGs.
Sudrenth júl. 7., 8:39 
thank you for coming back to my profile and commenting again. yes, myself and a few others are laughing at your comments. appreciate you putting us in a good mood. :steamthumbsup:
אָי júl. 7., 0:44 
At least I am pushing INSIDE the boss lair with marksman scope than be a ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ themselves and salivating inside the tripped up boss lair going like "We won't go out in a 2v3, let's wait for them to walk into trips so we can shotgun."
Complain all you want, you lack the balls and the skill to sit where you are. Filthy campers. We made all the noise, tried to get in while you people held inside with shotgun, having concertina and death traps all over the lair. Definitely shows you were not "camping".
Keep sweating bro, you lose bounties anyways. LOL
אָי júl. 7., 0:41 
Imagine being such a loser you camped the boss lair with shotguns while me (the player with lebel marksman) had to push in only to get shotgunned by you holding like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. LOL
Talk about ping abusing, I didnt have Avto, my friends did. And they are from NA so, I'd rather play on high ping than make them play on higher.
Also, buddy, My KDA is 1.2, I aint abusing ♥♥♥♥ when you 5 stars with almost 2 KDA are sleeping in boss lair with trips and shotguns in a 2v3 only to lose at 43 mins after making it a 1v3. LOL. Get gud, loser.
Sudrenth júl. 6., 8:53 
imagine being an out of country ping abuser with a team of avto's sitting outside of bounty lair. and having the audacity to complain about someone with a officer carbine about 'camping'.

you definitely need that avto and high ping to get your crap kda.
אָי júl. 5., 22:13 
LMAO. Team of 5 stars hiding like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in a 2v3. Deserved.
Even 3 stars plays more aggressively and better than this shotgun camping bs you three pulled off. Thanks for the free bounty losers.
Sudrenth 2023. dec. 26., 17:12 
I have a windfield swift and bornheim, what meta loadout
Qit [ I Beat Down Syndrome ] 2023. dec. 26., 17:10 
omegalul imagine meta load outs
Sudrenth 2023. dec. 25., 18:56 
lmao did you delete your previous comment to put in a new one?
Rambinho 2023. dec. 25., 18:15 
cheating player , você é um lixo no jogo seu fdp , se mata
Sudrenth 2023. dec. 25., 18:04 
a head shot when you're running in the open like an idiot = cheating
unprivate your profile twerp @Rambinho
Black Jimmy 2023. dec. 19., 20:42 
eyes hard to fix but the game isn't (wink wink)
Sudrenth 2023. dec. 19., 20:14 
happens when you get older. the eyes aren't as they were 10 years ago lol.
Black Jimmy 2023. dec. 19., 20:00 
My pc is legit 1/10 of yours and ur still god awful
Black Jimmy 2023. dec. 19., 19:59 
also 16 days late is wild
Black Jimmy 2023. dec. 19., 19:59 
lmao mb fixed it. Was solo sniping and couldn't be caught doing that. But yeah it was ez.
Sudrenth 2023. dec. 19., 19:52 
guess it wasn't all too EZ after you privated your profile there mister. @blue
Black Jimmy 2023. dec. 3., 14:25 
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 24., 17:23 
imagine being banned on the general Hunt Showdown discord, and having to make another account @SpeedForc3 because you're an annoying overgrown child. lmao.
SpeedForc3 2023. nov. 24., 16:14 
loser that only plays with cheaters. imagine being that level of bad. pathetic
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 18., 17:18 
hello grampz
Green Creature 2023. nov. 18., 15:41 
grampz wuz here :steammocking:
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 15., 18:09 
GG bro
Out_Lier 2023. nov. 15., 17:32 
GG's, didn't hear you next to me at the supply point. haha
[WTBR]BarrettRifle50CAL 2023. nov. 13., 19:45 
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 13., 13:16 
I shot your head, which is what I saw before I shot it.
[WTBR]BarrettRifle50CAL 2023. nov. 13., 13:05 
i have a screenshot of my killview staring at a mound
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 13., 12:54 
I have 41ping, also reshade is banned. I don't use it but aight.
[WTBR]BarrettRifle50CAL 2023. nov. 13., 12:47 
uhhh you killed me through the mound why you have such high ping....
Yemen 2023. nov. 13., 12:42 
This guy deleted my comment. He admitted to using a reshade clone. Don't let him silence me.
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 12., 20:52 
GG bud
SeizurePa††y 2023. nov. 12., 19:47 
Nah. GGs tho :)
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 12., 19:41 
must of been one of the two I killed. ez pz.
SeizurePa††y 2023. nov. 12., 19:17 
LOL we're the same MMR but okay. You are a sore loser lmaooooooo
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 12., 13:54 
imagine having a private profile, commenting accusing someone of cheating. anyone you ask knows you're the biggest crybaby in this game. @me in discord again.
SpeedForc3 2023. nov. 12., 13:48 
still cheats cuz they suck that badly
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 12., 12:20 
killed 2 of y'all while my team was dead and yet I still lived. mhmmmm
SeizurePa††y 2023. nov. 11., 12:41 
LOLOLOL i bet your legs are tired from all that running. What a pu$$y, oh well, thanks for the bounties.
Sudrenth 2023. nov. 8., 16:55 
think you should be ashamed with the amount of negative comments on your profile bud. guessing you died to me, tsk tsk.
Cokeroft 2023. nov. 7., 19:54 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i've never seen such cowardly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gameplay in hunt. you should be ashamed
Lord Lambertius of Prickenberg 2023. okt. 19., 11:18 
i lied
WH1TEXR3APER 2023. okt. 10., 19:51 
your skin matches your voice
Sudrenth 2023. okt. 8., 20:13 
ive got the fastest hands in the west.
{HH} ♕ Grief ♕ 2023. okt. 8., 17:47 
we choked so hard there. i dookied on your team and then couldn't land a damn shot on you for some reason lmao
Sudrenth 2023. okt. 3., 21:21 
hopefully scum like that gets banned, we all reported him. gl bro.
The Extravagant Wizard 2023. okt. 3., 21:09 
Yea I was just bummed we didn't get his punk ass.