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Recenzii recente de KíLLíNU

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So you want to enter The Isle.
You want to be a Dinosaur do you?
Good, Good, the come join us for a feast at the local watering hole.
Hunt in the jungle in the pitch dark, find and stalk your prey..
Move slowly, listen for the meal to come. do your hear that?
The calls of food, the tracks they leave.
Charge with the speed of a true predator and Bite hard!
Your prey falls before you, you hunt a success.
Yes! You will eat well now,
But as the old saying goes "Their is always a bigger fish"
For once you where predator now are the prey.
Something draws close from afar.
You can hear its Roar!
But you cannot see the beast, as you move within the trees, Alert, watching.
You hear the stomps of a Apex Draw close.
You must rest, for you have exhaust yourself in the last hunt.
You frantically look around, as Panic sets in.
Suddenly a Great Growl, can be heard behind you.
You Look!
And there, charging at you like Monster from the dark.
The Beast has found you,
And you are his next meal.
His Prey.
A second ones appears from the trees.
You stand and flee for life.
As you run in vain, darting, Weaving.
You seem to be out running the Beasts.
You are to evade Death cold grip.
He cannot keep the speed,
You can see them begin to draw away from you slowly.


A tree..
Your luck has come undone,
Your efforts futile,
Your life is void.
And there upon the base of that tree, that was in your path,
You, become the Apexs next meal.

You must be smart, to survive this hard land.
Even Dinosaurs understood the power of working as a Pack.
So come come to The Isle, and walk as Dinosaurs.
Live as a Dinosaur.
Die like a Dinosaur..

Happy Hunting!
Postat 1 iulie 2021. Editat ultima dată 1 iulie 2021.
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its right
Postat 4 august 2020.
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283.7 ore înregistrate (15.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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If your looking for the ultermate F2P war game..... this is not it. For starters you start off with a rifle and grenades, ok cool, that soon when into your first battle you realize that your shoots are not hitting your targets, could it be lagg or maby its the range? Nope this game hit boxes are noy very good at all kinda like the same type of hitboxed and shooting mechanics as No More Room In Hell. Unless your target is standing still you need to aim a mile in front of him just to hit him once, then get one shoted by the over powerd Pay To Win rifle when he turn and sees you, then you eventuly get to tanks or aircraft and you think oh maby it will get better, I mean your not an easy target now are you. Nope unless you BUY a decent tank with gold (real money) your suck with a rubbish light tank, that get blown up in 1 shot from a panzerfuast and the cost of the next tank (after the hours upon hours to get the Xp to get it) will be up in it 100000s credits and you make and avrage of 4k a match, ill let you do the math on how many game you need to play and get your ass kick before you have that kind of money. Then there the air combat, imagin a klunky War Thunder were the garman have an obvious advantage in the BF109 fighters and the US get a standerd P-38 lightening that is bigger (easier to hit) and turn slower than the BF109, only advantage is you get to carry some more bombs WOW and there is no upgrade aircraft, nope you get that one aircraft and thats it for the rest of the game as pilot. There no bombing indicator when your wanting to help the groud forces out by blowing up a anoying tank, so you need to guess were your bombs are landing (which is a pain in the ass) and most the time miss or hit friendlys because you cannot see anything on the ground due to the aircraft taking up most your screen, (there is no first person mode or bomber view ether). Then before you got hang of your aircraft you will be shot down by a enermy or AA because apprantly WW2 fighers only flew at 20 MPH. Now its not all bad, some of the weapons are cool and I like the fact that you can modify them to suit your play style (very expencive to modify BTW) and it even has a perk slot to give you abit more stamina or take less damage, but the game has far to many bugs, ive play alphers with less bugs and more going for them. If they sort out the shooting mechanics and moniter the servers for hackers (Ive meet a few already in game) and make more option avalible to pilots and make AT weapons avalible from start and cheaper so driving tanks into spawning areas and just kill farming is a lot more dangerus, also make getting new wapons cheaper to buy with credits it might be a better game. But right now everyone just going tank rush MAD and infamtry cannot do anything but die because to earliest AT weapon you can get is a bazooka that costs 85,200 credits (which is a hell of alot) and you are not able to get it till you have played around 7-8 into the game (by this time your sick of been blown up too). the way the game is right now the team who has the most tanks wins (ussally the german team) due to the overpowerdness vs inf .The game is broken in many areas. My rating on this game is a 3/10 as it stands. Needs Alot of Improvment. If you want a getting blown up by a tank simulator, this is your game. If you want a good F2P wargame like me this is not it try planitside instead. I'll check back on it in couple month see if it's any better but right now i cannot recommend it unless you want to invest a load of real money into a broken game, shame to i realy wanted a MMOWW2 wargame for some time now hopfully after loads of patching and people addressing these issuse will make the game better.

Am sorry for poor spelling and grammar.
Postat 8 august 2014. Editat ultima dată 28 august 2014.
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been new to the elderscrolls series i decided to start on the game that i hear so many good thing about. and although i havent played the game loads yet am all ready impressed by this game. there so much what you can do you are spoiled for choice seriosly, from terrorising the wild and towns as werwolf to skulking in the shadow as a vampire, from exploring ancient tombs and caves to find great gear and power to building and buying your own homes with you hard earned gold, from hunting all type of beasts to collect there pelt for crafting or decor to epic drogon fights. you will never have nothing to do in this game for a long time. now the game has a couple issuses that ive hit in my time playing, first when peaple die in this game... their dead, simple as that. i was lucky in this as i bought a horse out a city then a couple of high lvl death hounds attacked and kill all the gaurds and the NPC that sold you horses and my horse died in the attack, it been over two week in game and there is still not a NPC at the stable which means i cannot buy a horse again from this city, causing me to quick travel more than i like to just to get places, i wish that they would at least make it so vendors and quest giver cannot die or lest the respawn with diffrent name or sommot. but part from that ive loved the game. my rating is a 9/10 a MUST OWN!! it would be 10/10 from me but this issuse with important peaple dieing and never coming back has affected the score from me as it is still and epic game and one of the best open world RPGs i played so far.
Postat 30 iunie 2014.
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72.7 ore înregistrate (48.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
u like guns?... u like teamwork? ...... u like been an absalute BADASS?... this is the game 4u.... why are u reading this this anyway?.... you got phychos 2kill....bullymongs 2 PWN....and hamsome jacks ass to kick.... u ant got no money? selll your kidnys to docter zed... am sure if shud make a pretty penny... >:)
Postat 10 iulie 2013.
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gg 4 all n00bs favord >:)
Postat 29 iunie 2013.
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