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Recent reviews by TheJediSonic

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1 person found this review helpful
823.2 hrs on record (453.3 hrs at review time)
Ah man, this game. I'm simply recommending it for now, but once my eye for criticism improves I will write a full on review on Terraria and why it's one of the best video games yet. For now though, just buy it. It's $10, and you get over 10 times your moneys worth back.

Edit: Looking forward to A Journeys End, hopefully itll be one of the best updates to a game we've seen
Posted 26 November, 2017. Last edited 2 December, 2019.
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12 people found this review helpful
33.3 hrs on record (10.0 hrs at review time)
This game is a classic gem and should be bought for it's very great price! To bad the game isnt as well known nowadays :(
Posted 23 September, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.2 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Stranger's Wrath, well, were do I begin. I'd like to point out that because this is an HD remake that the graphics and sound are fantastic, but what about the game. Well, you learn early in the game that the protaginist bounty hunter, Stranger, has an urgent medical problem that needs to be taken care of, otherwise he will die, but the procider will cost 20,000 mullah(and in the game not only will u receive at most 500-1000 mullah at max from bounty hunting, u are constantly buying upgrades(unless u want to cheat by constantly beat up the towns-folk))(not to mention that the only resemblense to the other oddworld games with this one is Vlukkons and the Glukkons(yep, not even the Mudokuns apear in this installment,but it doesnt matter)), so Stranger is forced to do more bounties. Thats all I'll say about the story. The gameplay is also fantastic due to the genuies 1st/3rd person style gameplay with the Critter Lancher, one of the best weapons in gaming history due to fact that it can lanch any critter Stranger can fit on the hand crossbow and use them as ammo(the lightning bugs are the only critters that u use to farm critters and also have an unlimited ammo). The other elements are also done very well, as how you have to capture enemies and bounty people alive to get a lot more profit(its the dead profit times by high timing numbers like 5 or 4 or 3 or even 6). I dont know what else to say, get the game in the Oddbox(since buying the game by itself is stupid, seeing the Oddbox is 10 USD and Stranger's Wrath by itself is 10 USD), and play this magnificent game as well as the others now!
Posted 16 August, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,833.5 hrs on record (65.1 hrs at review time)
Team Fortress 2 is one of the best shooter games, and even one of the best games out there. The games items are a great addition and add strategy to the mix. The game modes(like capture the flag) are basic, but they are really addicting and fun. The classes are great and none of them are bad or even decent. And allmost everything has been prosesed really well. Overall, even though players got a lot of things figured out(looking at you spy), Team Fortress 2 offers a lot for everyone(well, almost everyone).
Posted 24 December, 2013.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries