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So I've really enjoyed the DLC

the bosses are tough and there are lot of hidden places and secrets to discover

I know it is a pipe dream but I hope they make a badlands DLC so we can explore he lands that tarnished come from.

While playing this I was thinking

Fromsoft drops a completed game 60 usd fully finished with lots of replay-ability goes on 2 year break before coming back to drops a proper dlc. This is how games and DLC are supposed to be you add the DLC to the completed game.
Publisert 29. juni.
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0.4 timer totalt
I waited the year to not have anything to do with the Epic store.
So after holding off from it for this time it comes to steam and requires EGS to play online.
(and while I am under no illusion that China doesn't have my info already I just don't want bloat in my pc one gaming platform is enough)

the fact that it requires EGS servers, so Steam isn't going to put any effort into it and I find this quite disappointing....

had to jump through a few hoops to be able to play offline.
I'm ultimately deciding that it is not worth it even at the discounted price I am still not able to play the full game.

I'll wait til it is at a higher discount before picking it up again.

This money will go towards something that came to steam and has some support like ER or DD2

From what I played of it, DeadIsland 2 is beautiful the playable characters look very charming I liked every one of them.
I'll look forwards to playing it during NOV/DEC when it is at an even higher discount.

I'll recommend this at a discounted price maybe 15 - 20 usd.
Publisert 29. april.
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162.0 timer totalt (19.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
DD2 is a brilliant sequel that is sadly bogged down by poor and greedy corporate decision making.

My new favorite game. well worth the money (if you get it on sale you have made a steal) if your PC can handle it that is some people are crashing regularly on the game,

Last game to capture me like this was Elden Ring.

They added Denuvo into the game and it just hogs so much extra resources...
the current DLC is just insulting and predatory to distressed people (when you can get most of the stuffs in game free)
(one full re-edit per play through and 2 store bought re-edits per play through)

In a better world creators and directors like Itsuno Hideaki would be able to make games independent of short sighted cash chasing corporations like Capcom.

Things that are good

The Combat in this game feels great every role feels different and satisfying

Warrior for example
it was so rewarding to time things correctly dealing fast dmg to running an enemy through shouting and guts style swinging them across the room or executing was just so impactful!
The pawn system has more character they were super entertaining

I wished they had leaned into characterizing the pawns a bit more like doing more stuffs with them or maybe the plague turning them into a boss type 1 v 1 deal.

The world is amazing Tbh some of the views beat out Elden ring to see the blue skies reflecting off the water in a certain area or the water falls and rain of the place between check point town.

The NPCs are good to a point

Little details are nice to catch like the Capcom character named pawns or DMC ref npcs or the Street fighter Shoryuken that the unarmed pc and the ogre does or when the ferry stone fails it's hilarious and makes me feel good that I noticed them among other stuffs.

The Story

The main story was ok it started strong but it doesn't really take off I found myself questioning some of the stuffs I was doing. and it kinda failed to keep me past the plot of the royalty was interesting but I felt like nothing really happened with it.

The stuff beyond that opening story was kinda weak some reveals could have had a bit more thought, a better story would have had me as invested as the characters like the guy was talking very intensely but by that point I was not as invested I was like "this dude does not have an inside voice what the heck is he talking about? eh IDC ooo that the boss fight in the trailer!!"

however I did care for what was going on with my pawn maybe they could have done more with the pawn based off how PC treats pawn. I barely remember DD1 story past the Dragon so it's not much new.

Things that should be improved

Performance this will bring so many more players to the game (should be top priority over all else)

Save slots would be nice and saving looks presets this would save time and effort in customization.

Pawns need improvements:

1. Pathing and how they attack enemies should be fixed the a golem for example pawns do not know how to attack certain points and 1 min can be dragged out to be 10 mins because of this.

2. you should be able to more manage the main pawn at the very least like if you want it to be more a tank tell it to prioritize roaring.

3. pawns should have a stamina gauge they seem to have inf stamina which is quite annoying when the MC can't run for more than 10 seconds without being winded.

4. you should be able to manage pawns inventory as you manage the mc's for ex if I want a pawn to use a curative I would just use the curative on the pawn in the menu. (or you could make it to where this only works with the main pawn something to set the Main pawn apart other than leveling)

Enemy variety the world needs more enemies I'd say maybe more boss monsters should appear and you can see them fighting each other for example maybe we see a minotaur fighting an ogre or a griffin fighting a drake and your party can choose to help one or the other.

A Transmog system:

The end game sets look fine but what if I wanted to use the early game sets?
you should be able to dye gear I saw the dyes in the RC shop and was disappointed to see that they were only for hair color.

Suggested free add-ons

Give us an everfall like area / boss rush area

Hard mode

more to do in the world space like maybe taking romavced characters on dates or designiong your house or offering your pawn a good job pretty sure pawns would love to hear that they did good when they do good xD

Pawn AI variation

Monsters that were in DD1 like the Hydra or beholder

more in-depth commands for pawns like maybe if people are interested in doing it they can tell pawns what you use for the attack and where to aim it. xD

spells should be able to interact with each other fire tornadoes or drench inducing ice spikes

maybe add a way that the MC can progress the story w/o the NPCS making genocide runs possible the infrastructure is already there :3

Suggested paid content

Maybe add more hairs and voices to the game people would buy those w/o complaint if the added stuffs are good.

more pawn inclinations

maybe a new vocation with different weapon type (fist fighter)

A Separate online game (I won't buy it but I know some people who would want it)

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen Remake

Maybe an expansion or 2

final thoughts

I enjoyed what I got however Capcom really gutted the content the story is just bad (after 2nd play through) the pawns have the same lines and same way of doing things the game will be improved by DLC and to that I say wait til this game is on sale and complete like Cyber punk 2077 this will get better with time


9/10 producer

8/10 game

10/10 visuals

7/10 character creator

2/10 story

0/10 Corporation
Publisert 27. mars. Sist endret 6. april.
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Demo: shows off multiple character customization slots Four for pawn, four for arisen looks promising so you Pay 70 - 80 usd for a game on release this system is not part of the game.

Actually it's one chara per acc and they give you one free customize (that only works for one character)
there is only one character save slot that is locked server side, (getting rid of any ability to do a second play through as say a beast man that has different interactions.)

Super scummy but it works look at all the suckers including myself that bought this stuffs
buying but I'm pretty disgusted with myself. Never again with Capcom.

just makes you wonder with all the money they make what makes them need to nickle and dime possible future customers how can people with so much history be so short sighted?
Publisert 22. mars.
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8.0 timer totalt (6.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Very good game, lots of nice music and a very charming narrator good humor will def be buying Stanley parable 2 if there ever is one.
Publisert 19. november 2023.
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Some of the best content I've played all 2023. Shame the game did not launch with such polish and thought back in 2019.

The story had me invested both of the sides had great ups and terrible flaws had me helping peps I did not thik I would help.

will def buy the next Cyber punk when it is out on steam since it is gonna be epic there will be plenty time tyo judge it before hand.
Publisert 27. september 2023.
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31.2 timer totalt (29.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a fine game but then they make the game have so many updates which is just a drain on resources
I'm not buying any of the dlc why is it being included into my game anyways? Just leave the game alone EA
Publisert 4. august 2023.
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3.9 timer totalt
It was interesting but why is it so hard to get the multiplayer you have to jump through many hoops to get it and that kills this for me
Publisert 21. november 2022.
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9.1 timer totalt (8.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
SPoilers in this review turn awaybut Tbh I'm saving you time and brain cells if you read!

The MC is just stupid... and the female mc is worse. I'm not sure if it's their society mk ultra-ing them or something but Yuito (the MC) seems to have fallen for the Kasane (female mc) who is a real azzhole in the start of the story (this does not get better)

so we do a few missions establish that Yuito is REALLY strong and should be a leader. Then people get turned into monsters and immediatly afterwards things in the 3rd chapter ramp up to 50 and the society is now having some sort of civil war during this scene the freedom fighters unleash monsters on helpless civilians and Kasane who is with them kills Yuito's defenseless father who he seemed to have an ok relationship with leading up to this point, he sounded like a decent proud father who didn't want his son in the military.

Now that she has carved up his dad Kasane now wants to kill Yuito but he's really strong and beats her so she runs off. The dad dies saying sorry to his son who could have use first aid on him. The boy then goes on to not spend even a moment to mourn his father whatsoever instead he rationalizes that his own father that he new for far longer than the girl that killed him was a bad person so it's ok that he died by Kasane's hands and that her group let monsters into the city.

He then goes on dates with his remaining friends afterwards not even mentioning the dead dad... this took me out of the story completely, is he capable of any emotion why isn't he mourning?? not skipping a beat the game goes on to time skip the story to now he is a war hero who needs to take meds (mind control meds I guess) maybe Yuito did mourn his dad it was just time skipped over!...

After that we leave the bad government but not really and Kasane comes back to attack and she's now stronger and has two of my old party members who have no dialogue but they're fighting us and killing us too, after we defeat her and tbh at this point I want her dead personally. Yuito is calling to her begging asking why she wants to kill him...

Excuse me but... Bish said she didn't want to talk stop letting her run. I just can't with this writing what is even going on?? Why is the Mc still being so docile???

Kasane should be a fade on sight Idc if the father was a bad guy... Kasane and the peps that followed her in attacking him should be on the pack out list for Yuito but he has to be with main girl i guess.

Imho Tsugumi is best girl but even she does not save this cuz yuito is mid summer Nevada on a 100 degree (34c Celsius) humid afternoon azz juice.

Even if it was gifted to me I feel like I've wasted time in my life and brain-cells by playing.

Scarlet Nexus is by all accounts bad content. if you like hack and slash it's an ok game but but eh.. if you come here for story just watch it online somewhere.
Publisert 20. november 2022. Sist endret 20. november 2022.
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0.9 timer totalt
Tried the game was interested in the story, but my introduction was that there was no story the animated scene in the preview is not how the whole game is it is 5 usd though in it's defense but if you just want a read of a romance story or maybe ero material it's not the greatest, I ultimately filed for a refund after I tried it for 50 mins the story was basically over and I was left with a sour taste as i uninstalled the game there will be no replay of it.
Publisert 1. november 2022.
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