LongRoad 1 июн. 2016 г. в 6:18 
A new month is like a blank book
The pen is in your hands
It is YOUR chance to write a
beautiful story for yourself....

Happy June Taizen !!!
LongRoad 1 мая. 2016 г. в 2:42 
MAY yor heart be happy.
MAY your days be bright.
MAY your roads be smooth.
MAY your burden be light.
MAY you find your dreams.
MAY you touch the stars.
MAY you never forget how
special YOU really are.

Happy MAY Taizen !!!
LongRoad 1 апр. 2016 г. в 5:55 
So sweet is your smile
So sweet is your style
So sweet is your voice
So sweet is your eye
See how sweetly i lie
Happy April Fool day Taizen !

Wishing you a month

that's FOOL of fun

all the ways !!!
LongRoad 1 мар. 2016 г. в 6:56 


Cause spring

is 'almost' in the air !

Happy new month Taizen !!!
Taizen 3 фев. 2016 г. в 12:24 
Thank you LongRoad

Happy February and Happy Chinese New Year,

May your good fortune and luck always be with you,

May your dream come true

LongRoad 1 фев. 2016 г. в 8:48 
May your days be painted in gold

May your life be filled with diamonds

May the stars shine bright on your world

May you have a fun filled month

Happy February
Taizen 1 янв. 2016 г. в 9:47 
thx LongRoad, u too Hppy New Year, another year, another new story, enjoy your life, do something new u have never done before, this year is your new beginning, your new journey and new relationship. Happy 2016
LongRoad 1 янв. 2016 г. в 9:38 
A little smile, a word of cheer,

A bit of love from someone near,

A little gift from one held dear,

Best wishes for this year.

Happy new year Taizen !!!
Taizen 25 дек. 2015 г. в 10:14 
Thx my friend Merry Christmas and enjoy this moment.
LongRoad 25 дек. 2015 г. в 10:05 
May all the sweet magic

of Christmas conspire

To gladden your heart

And fill every desire

Merry Christmas Taizen !!!
Taizen 1 дек. 2015 г. в 11:10 
Thank you my friend, you to have a nice december and enjoy your journey and i hope u will get goods suprises.
LongRoad 1 дек. 2015 г. в 5:52 
A month of lights , snow and feasts

Time to make amends and tie loose ends

Finish off what you started and

hope your wishes come true

Happy December Taizen !!!
Taizen 1 ноя. 2015 г. в 12:36 
Thx man,
LongRoad 1 ноя. 2015 г. в 12:25 
You only live once ,

but if you are lucky

and work it right ,

once is enough...

And do not forget

nothing lasts forever,

even cold NOVEMBER rain...

Happy new month Taizen !!!
LongRoad 1 окт. 2015 г. в 6:25 
Another month

has entered our lives

breathe in the new

fresh air of opportunities

Happy 1st day of October ,Taizen !!
Taizen 1 сен. 2015 г. в 7:11 
This month i will enjoy my big holiday one more month before i got to work and study, thx bro
LongRoad 1 сен. 2015 г. в 5:38 
Make your new month , as bright

as sun , as colorful as rainbow ,

as lovely as flowers , as happy as

birds.Enjoy the month to its full

extend ! Happy new month ,

my friend !!!
Taizen 4 авг. 2015 г. в 5:24 
Thank you my friend,
new beginning,
new achievemnt to do,
i wish you can do it
LongRoad 1 авг. 2015 г. в 6:18 
Wishing you ,

beautiful moments ,

Treasured memories ,

And all the blessings

A heart can know !

Happy August Taizen !!!
Taizen 1 июн. 2015 г. в 9:35 
Yeah my friend Summer is come and i will take a long holiday.
Take care you self
LongRoad 1 июн. 2015 г. в 8:00 

is filled with

breaking rules and

standing apart

ignoring your head

and following your heart

Happy first DAY of JUNE !!!
LongRoad 1 мая. 2015 г. в 6:07 
MAY this month bring you
satisfaction , peace and joy.
MAY all the desires of your
heart be granted.
MAY this be the beginning
of new things in your life.
Stay strong , be positive and
fulfill your dreams.

Taizen 1 апр. 2015 г. в 12:20 
XD thx you so much you too i wish you have a lovely days and breath a new air.
LongRoad 1 апр. 2015 г. в 9:31 
MAY " THE " BEAUTY " of "
THIS " SEASON " Brighten "
YOUR " Life " And " Decorate "
Your " Days " With " LOVE "
JOY " and " Peace

"" Happy New Month ""
Taizen 14 фев. 2015 г. в 4:53 
Thank you but i don't have any girlfriend yet ^^.
LongRoad 14 фев. 2015 г. в 4:35 
Happy Valentine's day
Taizen 9 фев. 2015 г. в 9:04 
Thank you LongRoad, you too have a nice week.
LongRoad 9 фев. 2015 г. в 8:22 
Taizen , have a great week my friend..
Taizen 27 янв. 2015 г. в 11:16 
xd sure i hope you too
LongRoad 27 янв. 2015 г. в 9:01 
taizen , i wish you happy gaming !!!