Name: Foamy. I will also accept Foamyowo
Gender: It's a bit confusing. My daddy says I'm a girl and like I get that but I think I'm prolly a guy?
Pronouns: I would prefer to just be referred to by Foamy/Foamyowo instead of something demeaning such as "he" "she" "they" or "it"
Sexuality: Just as confusing as my gender tbh but I have a gf and we've had sex so idk
Likes: Getting my daddy to say "Good girl" (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Dislikes: When I get my daddy angry ;-; or as he calls it "violent"
Why I Made My Steam Account: I wanted to ask if it's okay to be as fond of my daddy as I am. I mean I don't like like him y'know? But watching him, especially when he's protecting/ protective of me makes me feel something primal.
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Review Showcase
1,465 Hours played
♥♥♥♥ Dark Souls III.

Dark Souls III similar to all good things is like an ogre or onion; it has layers.

The skin:
The game has an insanely high skill threshold and you die a lot but the deaths seem mostly fair. It takes you a while but eventually you conquer the game.
That or 'your not one of those noobs', you beat super mario on the N 64, no way Dark Souls III is harder than that and perhaps your correct. You beat the game with only a little difficulty. Well done. You must have the biggest penis in the world.

One layer down:
You enjoy the game and got some friends to play with you. You got into doing invasions and revere yourself a god among Dark Souls players.

Two layers in:
Gone are the days of you playing games on any setting except veteran or expert (apart from fire emblem because that requires a brain and if you bought this game you sure as hell don't have one of those.) Dark Souls III no longer has the thrill of pve. 'it's too easy for you'. Only pvp can satiate your thirst for a challenge.Your hooked. The game your cocaine.

Centre/ Three layers in? I don't think onions only have three layers:
The problems become incredibly apparent in the game; potato internet requirement, hackers everywhere, useless blues and Aldriches, op straight sword meta, dumb hit boxes, op weapons / weapon arts, 0 poise for armour, WA switching, techs (including estus cancel,) PARRY AND BACK STAB FISHING EVERYWHERE COZ THE'RE OP. NO game is worse and yet so wonderful, you want to take a break to make the game fresh again but there are only about 7000 players a day at any given time and your afraid if you leave when you come back the game will be even more dead then it was before. You want to leave but your too hooked. The game is simultaneously your favourite and least favourite game.

like onions and ogres this game ♥♥♥♥ING stinks don't play it no matter what!
(still gonna press recommend tho)
Completionist Showcase
-rep trans
Sandrs 6 Jul, 2023 @ 5:22pm 
Who are you?
RareIsBad.ttv 12 Jun, 2023 @ 8:14am 
Rhaine 12 Jun, 2023 @ 8:14am 
Sneed you FtM ♥♥♥♥
Dessiekens 9 Jun, 2023 @ 7:27pm 
sounds like someones huffing cope because of a skill issue, maybe go touch some grass if your account is so old with how many hours you've played
YouAteMeSchlong 3 Jun, 2023 @ 5:01pm 