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Space Engineers

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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Multiplanet Scientific Explorers
Collection by Luvstruckmango
Industrial Minerals & Resources
Collection by Luvstruckmango
Industrial Minerals & Resources, formally known as Innovative Mining Rigs, is a civil based corporation that focuses on mining, construction, and salvage. Providing the galaxy with reliable equipment for mass mining, construction, salvage, and moment of ma
IEC Ground Vehicles
Collection by Luvstruckmango
The entire IEC ground vehicle list in one place. Interplanetary Enforcement Corps Main Page:
IEC Modular Base Parts
Collection by Luvstruckmango
The Entire Collection of IEC Modular Base Parts. Modular parts are listed in alphabetical order and are designed to be built via projector blocks in survival mode. Interplanetary Enforcement Corps Main Page:
Insurgent Freedom Militia
Collection by Luvstruckmango
The Insurgent Freedom Militia, a force secretly backed by the IEC, is a group of vanilla or minimally modded vehicles and structures. Aimed at resisting the ever spreading mega corps, power grubbing individuals, and know it all mongers. The IFM grows as mo
Interplanetary Enforcement Corps
Collection by Luvstruckmango
Thank you for visiting the Interplanetary Enforcement Corps. The IEC is an encompassing fleet, structural logistics, and ground force dedicated to the protection and service of interplanetary citizens. With an ever growing lineup of ships, vehicles, and st
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