- anFy -
TOP:steamhappy:-level player ..20+ years ago (infos below) - sometimes I'm still pretty good, sometimes I SUCK.. my k/d varies at the age of 43.. thanks for understanding ;)

Thorin's Thoughts - featuring my team Infernum
(mostly about my team-mates, but I get a few kind mentions ;))

CS Highlights 2000-2003 - (inter)national Tournaments

- qualified CPL 2001 Holland (Serious DeDication)
- 1st place WCG Qualifier EQ Budapest 2001 HUN (nGc.KO)
- 5th place CPL DALLAS 2001 USA (Infernum)
- 1st place AMD PG Challange 2001 Prague CZ (Infernum)
- 3rd place ClanBase Eurocup IV 2002 GER (Infernum)
- 2nd place AMD PG Challange 2002 Prague CZ (Infernum)
- 1st place NGI Lan 2002 Milan ITA (Infernum)
- 1st place WWCL Finals 1 Celle 2002 GER (Infernum)
- 3rd place Lan Arena 7 2002 Paris FRA (Infernum substitute)
- 1st place WCG Qualifier 2002 AUT (Infernum)
- 1st place EPS Qualifier Austira Dagor.Valinor 2003 AUT (Infernum)
- 2nd place NGI Lan Milan 2003 ITA (Infernum)
- retired as Winner of Gody LAN exhibition game HUN 2003 (Infernum)

National record:

winner of all relevant cs LAN Tournaments in Austria 2000-2003 with Infernum
(yes, really won all of them - never came in 2nd - stuff like that was possible back in the day..........)

a few sources:

PC Action WWCL Finals win

AMD PG Challange win

CPL Winter 5th

current crosshair

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96 6
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