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Verfasst: 7. Dez. 2014 um 10:41
Aktualisiert: 2. Mai 2020 um 1:42

As I grew up I loved to read book's that took me on journey's to far of place's that I could only dream of in my imagination,so I started reading R.E Howard,H.G Wells,H.P Lovecraft and the like and then I came across a book called "WARLOCK OF FIRETOP MOUNTAIN" and then I was hooked on the choose your own adventure style of books right from making my first decision and in turn effecting the story.
Then one day I was down my local bookstore looking for the next FIGHTING FANTASY book scouring the shelve's and I came across the first book of the LONE WOLF series (which happened to run for 28 book's) FLIGHT FROM THE DARK,I picked it up and was taken in by the artwork and the description written on the back of the book.
I bought it (sorry FIGHTING FANTASY) and that night when I went to bed started to read and carried on reading until I had made all the right choice's to get to the end of the book and finish the story (I got that hooked),so obviously no sleep that night then!!!!!
So having said that did I enjoy this game??,did it do the book's justice??,and would I recomend it to someone who doesn't know the story from the book's (or even to someone that does)??????
"Well you can click to exit the review thus your adventure end's,or you can read on brave warrior and find out if the game match'es up to my expectation's"

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered launch trailer ...


Ok so lets get to it then,in this visual novel/choose your own adventure game (which this game is at heart-but there is lots more to it-WHICH I'LL GET TO LATER) your going to be doing a lot of reading and if that's one thing you don't like then to be honest I wouldn't really bother with this game.
It deal's with its narative through the written word and if your not paying attention then at time's you will miss out on important plot detail's and written conversation's that lead you to choose different choices based on what you just read.
(OK STILL WITH ME LETS CARRY ON THEN) If that sound's ok and you like this sort of game then your in for a treat as this is one of the best this genre has to offer.
So what does the game play like apart from the reading then and why is is different to others of its ilk???
Well you do read and make choice's but you will also be picking lock's,upgrading equipment,solving puzzle's using the Shianti Cube (which is something you come across on your journey) and (which is the best part of the game) FIGHTING the Darkland's horde.
Now all the gameplay you will come across has been implemented really well and even though the fight's do rely on QTE's a lot they really are the stand out moment's of the game and you will (on many occasion's-on any difficulty other than easy) find yourself outnumbered with only your quick action's to save your skin.
When you start to fight will you use the Sommerswerd to gain an early advantage??,will you use a physchic mind blast to stun the enemy??,will you communicate with the wolf's and get them to attack??,will you take a defensive stance??,will you enhance your weapon?? ECT-ECT (I think you get what I mean).
Any desicion you make will effect the outcome and either bolster your chance's or help to see you meeting an untimely end,and this element not only effect's combat but is also pivotal to the story as well because when you do make a decision you have to live with it as the game auto save's so make sure you choose to do the right thing (IS THERE A RIGHT THING IN THIS GAME????????)

The following is a gameplay video which shows the sort of things you will be doing in game -

Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered Gameplay(PC ...


The graphic's in game range from the static variety when your reading (which serve as a background whilst you are reading) to some really good graphic's when your fighting and solving puzzle's with the Shianti cube or picking lock's.
And it's whilst fighting the horde that the graphic's shine as you really want to see that final killing blow on that Vordak Undertaker that's been causing you problem's for the last hour AARRGGHHHHHHHH.
Every encounter will play out differently and the animation for the horde is different enough that they all have their own animation's for attack pattern's and also (which is the best point) their own death scene's (at your hand's) as they all die in various way's.
Some animation's do repeat themselves but to be honest none of them outstay their welcome and each and every victory is as satisfying as the last (especially when you take down that Gourgaz that's been beating you senseless for the last hour "GO AWAY YOU BIG LIZARD").
The soundtrack that accompanies the game can only be desribed as epic and really does help make the game feel like the adventure that it is and should be,and even whilst reading it never annoy's to the point where you want to switch it of.
Actually I for one found the soundtrack to be a welcome addition and it wouldn't feel out of place in any RPG game or Fantasy movie,and as is mostly the case in a game like this it just wouldn't be the same without it.
The story really does do justice to the source material and fit's into the cannon perfectly,and if like me your a fan then you will appriciate it no end and you will both an once enjoy the familiar in the story and also the new that's been added as well.Will you need to have previous experience with this style of game and even know the story to enjoy it ????
Well having played the game and reached its conclusion and being that I am such a fan I would say yes and no to that statement.
Now I would say no as the story is written so well that it just pull's you in and at no point's does it loose anyone who isn't familiar with its background or the character's,and it both introduces them and the history of Lone Wolf's world with a confident flair and ease that is there for all to see.
And I would say yes as at the same time if you've come to the game with knowledge of what's going on before the game takes place,then you will get even more out of your time with it than if you hadn't,and if your like me you will love to see the Sommerswerd raised and used to crush the Darkland horde's (especially the Vordaks-you undead pains in the AR__,NOW-NOW calm down its just a game)
Now this is not the first game to have been based on the Lone Wolf series of book's and there have been other's but I remember one that I really did want to play but sadly it never did get a release date and actually it ended up being canned.Here is a trailer for the game that sadly never was.

Gameplay from a cancelled lone wolf game -

Lone Wolf:Flight from the Dark Game Developers SF 2008 ...


Okay now all's said and done would you like to play this game reading and making choices and fighting the Darkland horde's,and will you get anything out of it ????
Well read and answer the following three question's and decide for yourself -

1 - Am I the sort of person who like's a fantasy tale full of foul creature's and dark magic????

2 - Do I like playing and reading through a visual novel style game (even with all it's enhancement's over other's of its type)????

3 - Am I the sort of person who really (and I mean REALLY) like's to put the effort into reading so i can gain from such a well written and fullfilling journey into Lone Wolf's world????

If you can answer yes to the above question's and want to stop the foul Darkland horde's and crush GUNZAR (which is no easy feat-"OH MY GOD HERE WE GO AGAIN"),and just like me you are really a fan of Lone Wolf and his world then "BY KAI" what are you waiting for??
But if this doesnt sound like you and no matter how many enhancement's and extra's they throw at the visual novel format you just arent going to get anything from this type of game,then to be honest you would be better of buying another fantasy game such as "THE WITCHER 2" (great game by the way)
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6 Kommentare
The-Skull-Will-Conquer 4. Apr. 2016 um 16:34 
Thats ok Talana and do beleive me when i say i know you will really have a blast playing this game!! ;)
Talana 💃 4. Apr. 2016 um 16:09 
You certainly convinced me, dear friend - Thanks for writing this :wsma_happy:
The-Skull-Will-Conquer 10. März 2015 um 9:56 
:skulls: I thank you MR DOOM for the compliment :skulls:
Spirit World Field Guide 10. März 2015 um 8:15 
Great review, props:exclamation:
The-Skull-Will-Conquer 7. Dez. 2014 um 15:38 
Thank you my friend and glad you liked the review and i hope it was of some help :)
Tyrant Monk-E 7. Dez. 2014 um 15:14 
thank you for your honest reviews and reccomendations. skull, you sire are a true master of the game!