27 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 20.2 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Apr, 2023 @ 3:32pm
Updated: 21 Nov, 2023 @ 2:20pm

"Blood must be offered and spilled..............for only then will the truth be revealed!!"

I have always loved the "METROID-VANIA" genre ever since I first played "Castlevania Symphony Of The Night" and what a game that was.................no game has (In my opinion) ever come up to that games level of excellence or brilliant level design but some have come close...........is this one of those that has??
Well yes and no sadly!!

!!Thank God this is one creature you will not have to face........now breath a sigh of relief!!


The game is brilliantly designed and the rate at which you gain new items and abilities (which you can then use to access new areas of the map or get hidden gear which was previously out of reach ECT) is well paced,the enemies (especially the BOSSES) are also well designed and if you aren't careful any can kick your ass in an instant,the music featured through out is good and is well suited to the game (I love the "HEAVY METAL" inspired music which features at certain points) and the game looks great with the graphics being top notch.............what then is the issue??

!!One of the games many amazing and well paced BOSS battles!!


Well the story sadly as,as with a lot of new games the lore,background information and actual story itself is featured in game for you to discover by finding notes,through item descriptions and what the people you meet have to say to you but not everything is there that all of it actually makes cohesive sense sadly!!
Its good but just lacks that certain "WHAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-MAM" that makes it really awesome or truly memorable!!

Do I recommend this game then??

!!The game does a great job at setting the mood of a world broken and lost!!


Well yes as its one hell of a good "METROID-VANIA" inspired game but just know that whilst it does really well at what it sets out to do it also at the same time (for me anyway) lets itself down ever so slightly with its plot progression and story telling!!
So one that if you love "METROID-VANIA" type games you will enjoy but just go into it knowing that you may feel a little short changed when it comes to knowing and finding out all the games story and history!!

"You really don't remember who you are do you??...............you will learn...............YOU WILL LEARNNNNNNNNN!!"
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The-Skull-Will-Conquer 25 Aug, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
@ Elímínv†e - :skull_metal::skull_happy::skull_metal:
Elímínv†e | Inactive 25 Aug, 2023 @ 9:24am 
The-Skull-Will-Conquer 11 Apr, 2023 @ 4:40pm 
Wondering why I had no comments on this review??............seems I had them disabled??