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Ulasan terkini oleh <ACR>ClonicMechanics

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Menampilkan21-30 dari 36 kiriman
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Tercatat 14.0 jam
This is the movie tie-in game for The Goosebumps movie. Starting this game was a superb point and click adventure even though it still had a few flaws in the way it was done, but this was actually very good for a movie lisenced game.Though I still would advise you to buy it in a sale rather then paying full price unless you plan on getting every achievement and enjoy the Goosebumps books.
Diposting pada 30 Mei 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 22 September 2017.
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Tercatat 1.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Who doesn't love this classic.The trend may have faded with other entrys in this game, but that doesn't mean that the game is dead. Its undead and very much alive from the simplistic gameplay to the colors and artstyle this game is still worth getting for when u board and want something to be able to play, but also being able to easily put down.
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 13 Juli 2017.
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Tercatat 32.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 25.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
If you enjoy simulation games and alwalys wanted to make a gaming company of your dreams look no further.This game will let you live out your fantasy as the CEO of your very own Game developing company.Hiring Employees,Making games for most different systems including from the PC to the NES and many others inbetween.I cant give a review score based on this game it would be to hard to narrow everything down and really you need to just try it yourself and find out.
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 11 Agustus 2017.
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Tercatat 333.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 250.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
What can I say about Fallout NV , this game was a great reimagining of fallout 3's mechanics, along with a new story. About two armies the NCR and the Legion that have fought a war over a great old world monument, Hoover Dam. this game also shows how one person can be the turning point in any war.

better combat than fallout 3
more weapons then you could ask for
story is worth a play
DLC was worth the money
none at first glance
loading screen looping
random crashing
companions are way overpowered
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 25 November 2017.
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Tercatat 0.2 jam
what to say about this game its fallout 3 the post apocalypse game set in washington dc. this was fallouts transformation to 3d which was met with great results. so what can i say about this game its a must play
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016.
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Tercatat 30.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 28.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
one of the best zombie games ive played for the combat but the story could have been better and be warned this game can be hacked
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016.
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Tercatat 5.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
a really good hidden gem in the gaming industry
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016.
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Tercatat 26.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 11.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
one of the best story driven horror games ive played the combat can get repetative but the story was fantastic
Diposting pada 31 Maret 2016.
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Tercatat 36.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 23.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
the best game i have played in a while the bosses are good fights the combat is fluent and the story is really good about raidens story after mg2
Diposting pada 6 Januari 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 31 Maret 2016.
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Tercatat 17.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 16.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game actually made me tear up , its beauty, its game mechanics, and the best story i have ever lived from helping Chloe live for just a week longer to the different endings and to protaganist Max , seeing her life through her eyes made this story very touching
Diposting pada 13 November 2015.
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Menampilkan21-30 dari 36 kiriman