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27 von 46 (59 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

Terminus Tutorial

Finish the tutorial
Am 5. Jan. um 21:07 freigeschaltet


Acquire your first slave
Am 5. Jan. um 21:01 freigeschaltet


Acquire the Pleasure House
Am 5. Jan. um 21:52 freigeschaltet

Spectatus Plebeius

Reach 45 Reputation
Am 5. Jan. um 22:21 freigeschaltet

Honorius Senator

Reach 100 Reputation
Am 5. Jan. um 23:59 freigeschaltet

Bonus Amicus

Finish Maximus Questline
Am 6. Jan. um 0:09 freigeschaltet

Servus Mercator

Acquire Dungeon II or have 5 slaves
Am 6. Jan. um 1:54 freigeschaltet

Caesaris Amicis

Befriend Caesar
Am 6. Jan. um 1:19 freigeschaltet

Potum Deorum

Finish Romilious Questiline
Am 6. Jan. um 1:47 freigeschaltet

Felix Viator Romanus

Buy a slave from the Oasis
Am 5. Jan. um 22:44 freigeschaltet

Hostes Propius

Find Atticus faul play
Am 5. Jan. um 23:46 freigeschaltet

Ausu Conspector

Find the letter
Am 5. Jan. um 23:52 freigeschaltet

Misericordia Anima

Help Dimiara
Am 5. Jan. um 21:28 freigeschaltet

Voluptas Noctis

Visit the catacombs at night
Am 5. Jan. um 23:46 freigeschaltet

Plena Instrumentum Arca

Buy all the tools from the merchant
Am 5. Jan. um 23:09 freigeschaltet

Pilula Caeruleum Opus?

Finish a sex scene without reaching climax
Am 6. Jan. um 0:27 freigeschaltet

Ludene Psalterium

Fornicate with a slave in Harp pose
Am 5. Jan. um 22:06 freigeschaltet

Querentem Uxorem

Deliver the statue to Amelia
Am 5. Jan. um 22:32 freigeschaltet


Unlock the dominant partner option
Am 5. Jan. um 22:59 freigeschaltet

Roman Agricola

Collect all types of vegetables
Am 6. Jan. um 1:47 freigeschaltet

Omnia Via Ad Roma

Complete the Main questiline
Am 6. Jan. um 1:38 freigeschaltet

Deitas Domitor

Seduce one of the nymphs
Am 5. Jan. um 21:35 freigeschaltet


Complete the main questline without punishing any slave (Interrogation is excluded)
Am 6. Jan. um 1:38 freigeschaltet

Tersus Sursum Officium

Clean up after the guards to the outpost
Am 6. Jan. um 1:16 freigeschaltet

Venerabilis Senator

Give the treasure info to Romius
Am 6. Jan. um 0:15 freigeschaltet

Umbra Habitator

Kill the guards in the outpost, without them being alerted
Am 6. Jan. um 1:16 freigeschaltet


Complete training on archery
Am 5. Jan. um 22:39 freigeschaltet

Patriciae Insignis

Reach 200 Reputation

Lorum Nobilis

Deliver 500 whip hits

Lorum Baron

Deliver 1000 whip hits

Lorum Duke

Deliver 2000 whip hits

Lorum Imperator

Deliver 5000 whip hits

Ultimus Servus

Unlock all poses on a slave

Magister Humiliationis

Throw vegetables on the Public X-Cross

Viam Romanam

Return Dimiara to her master

Domus Plena

Have all dungeon upgrades with full prison cells

Servus Seductor

Make a slave fall in love with you

Servus Tyrannus

Make slave be terrified of you

Nusquam Ire

Punish a slave on the Pipe pose

Dude, Ubi Sunt Servi Mei?

Push your slave far enough to runaway


Play as hermaphroditus

Agens Verus Praedium

Acquire the Pleasure House without paying a single dinari

Iuxta Portam Alchemist

Acquire Valeria at your dungeon

Avarus Volgivagus

Steal Romilious treasure for yourself

Fortunatus Negotiator

Earn over 20k dinari by selling slaves

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