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投稿日: 2021年1月20日 11時03分

Well... It's Sonic game but no quite good as first 5(S&K and S CD) was. Wanted to go fast? No, you can't, go hit a bump every 3 seconds. Loves forks in the road? Wel take 3 every time you come to one. You have no idea where you going but eventually you'll be at the level end. Did you love those bonus stages where you collect blue spheres? Well they no longer gives you emeralds. Also giant rings are well hidden and you have no desire to look for them given that exploring a level rather gives you an aneurysm than joy. Remember upanddown cylinders from Carnival zone? Well entire games feels like that. Bosses sucks too. Don't really bother yourself with that game. In the end I rather give that game "meh" grade but Steam only allows two options and I don't think it deserve thumb up.
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