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投稿日: 2017年9月2日 12時01分

Not playable game. The developers promise a lot of time to fix it. Nothing has been fixed yet.
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15 件のコメント
jthecamel 2017年9月25日 10時29分 
Deweyfew, Same tree hanging forty feet in the sky, four years later. Same crap zomies, same buildings, same map. Same defenders of a development team that needs to be dragged into the light and shown for the incompitent, scamming, liars that they are. Till they do what they said they were going to do two years ago, they are nothing but thieves and you are nothing but an inabler.
Dewsti ツ 2017年9月24日 9時04分 
Waaaah, they didn't fix anything aside from adding whole new content and optimization updates over the two years! Waaah! I want my refund!
jthecamel 2017年9月23日 10時31分 
To Killa, "Things don't happen overnight" HAHAHAHA, I spit my beer out of my nose when I read this. "Things don't happen overnight" this has got to be the number one most ignorant, mindless, clueless statement, I have ever read regarding this trainwreck of a development team. "Things don't happen overnight" or the next or the next or the next. In fact they don't happen at all. They haven't happened in the roadmapped two years or the updated three years or the current four years. DING DING DING...time to wake up.
Ехидный перекат 2017年9月15日 10時03分 
Согласен, только петушки кукарекают что играбельно!)
IDontMakeLoveIfreakHard 2017年9月15日 9時47分 
another idiot who was getting killed by everyone cuz he is too bad to play any survival game and explains on developers
Tabeyloccs 2017年9月9日 13時17分 
lol they built an engine from the ground up dumbass its going to be a great engine.
STROG@NOFF 2017年9月9日 11時45分 
Swifty Savage 2017年9月9日 11時22分 
So you played 178 hours of a unplayable game??
STATIC 2017年9月9日 7時50分 
I played in a high pop for the first time in a while and got killed by a hacker in NWAF... waste of time.
Tone 2017年9月7日 16時53分 
When I posted a review like this people just bahsed me no worries man you have your own opinion don't listen to these fan boys.