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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 246.3 hrs on record (154.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Mar, 2022 @ 7:22am
Updated: 5 Mar, 2022 @ 7:39am

Cyberpunk 2077 is a pretty mixed bag as a game, with a pretty harsh launch. lacking in both content and polish, that being said with the current updates and plethora of mods to improve the experience the game is far from bad, this review wont be based off of what i played in 2020, it instead will take the Newest update and mods into consideration.

I've been a big fan of cyberpunk even before the game came out (my favorite of the old tabletop games was 2020) I love the lore and the series as a whole and i was very exited when i learned that a full game would be made based on the series, and a Sequel to 2020 to boot. needless to say i was ecstatic especially after seeing the demos in 2018 and 2019
unfortunately these demos where smoke and mirrors, Here are the differences between the demo and release:
(Don't let this discourage your purchase, read the rest of the review after this list)

-little to no Side content besides Gigs and Side missions
-no 3rd person Cut-scenes
-Dialogue doesn't in the grand scheme of things change the story in any meaningful way
-No Car chases - Specifically Police
-Limited Character creation vs What we saw in the demo
-No environmental Take-downs
-No Combat drugs - i.e: The Kerenzikov Inhaler in the 2018 Demo
-No One-Night-Stands - And romance characters dont go to your apartment
-Only 4 Romance options - Vs the demo where it was implied that many characters were able to romance
-In the Demo Johnny Silverhand died of old age in 2076 - in release Johnny Died in 2023
-You cant Customize your apartment
-No Customization with Vehicles
-V already knew what Samurai Was and who Johnny was
-V Has the samurai jacket at the start of the game Vs. Rouge in retail gifting it to V
-This Game is not An RPG like advertised in the demo - This game is More a "Open-World Action First-Person Shooter"
-Personalized Ads in game are not shown - Unlike the 2018 demo
-Gunsmiths dont upgrade your Clothes/Weapons
-No Acid rain or Radiant/Environmental Dangers Like implied in interviews and lore
-Higher Crowd Density
-NPC's dont have a Day/Night cycle
-Ripperdoc Interface is completely different
-No Random Events
-The flathead has been cut compared to 2018 demo
-No Inspection system
-No alternate fire with weapons
-No Wall running/Parkor system
-Netrunning isnt as interesting as in the demo
-Most vendors dont work/sell to you
Luckily it isn't 2020 anymore and the game has improved quite a bit, You most likely wont encounter most of the Famous bugs that this game has become known for, the physics have been fixed so cars don't explode anymore, and Updates now have been fixing the "Lack of content" issue. 1.5 was i'm sure only the start, and I can only hope that the future updates of this game will make a No Mans Sky comeback In terms of Delivering what was promised above.

Update 1.5 was the biggest and best update so far adding:
-more apartments
-Improved AI
- Skipping spam calls on Holo
-Improved driving
-Buffs based on Eating, Drinking, Showering and Sleeping
-More weapons
-Aggressive Crowd Behavior
-Better Vehicle Traffic
-Reactions to Wreaks and Danger
-New Perks
-Improved UI
-Open World Improvements
-Improved Environment System i.e Weather, Rain, Clouds etc.
-Customization of Main Character after the Intro Mission
With Just these Updates Id say that if you are a returning player wondering what has changed or if they should jump back in, id say absolutely. and for new players I would recommend getting it, its the perfect time seeing as Updates are coming out More and more, and Because of the Next topic. Mods!

CyberPunk 2077 has one of the most faithful modding communities ive ever seen aside of Skyrim, Halo MCC, and Gmod. New Mods regularly come out on Nexusmods.com And the greatly enhance the game in many ways, Personally i cant play the game without Mods installed, and it is surprisingly easy to install mods compared to skyrim and other popular games.

Here's a list of mods that i Recommend first time players use to make the game More similar to the E3 2018 Demo:

-Concept Art Samurai Jacket - Self explanatory
-CP2077 Finer Rain - Thins out the rain a bit to make a more cinematic experience
-E3 2018 Lighting Mod - Uses the Old E3 Lighting settings
-Kiroshi Opticals - Crowd Scanner - Creates random character backstories on scanner
-HUDitor - Adjust HUD elements
-Spicy's E3 HUD 1.5 - Restores The E3 2018 HUD
-Cyberpunk Smaller Text - Smaller Journal Text
-Cyberpunk Vehicle Ammo - Restore Ammo from Trunk of Vehicle
-2077 More gore - More Blood Splatters
-GTA Travel - GTA style Fast travel
-Appearance Mod Menu - Utility Mod Menu
-Metro System - Restores the Cut Metro System to the game
-Clean 2018 Icons - All Map and Quest icons restored to 2018 Verson
-Street Vendors - All street Vendors are now usable
-Ragdoll Physics Overhaul - improves physics
-Immersive First Person - Better First person perspective
-Refused Samurai Radio - more samurai Songs on the rock station

thats my review - Do i recommend this game now? Yea
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