Bovril ☭
Matthew   Liverpool, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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You Have Nothing to Lose But Your Chains, and the World to Gain.
Reading List:

-Wage, Labour and Capital,
-Value, Price and Profit,
-The Civil War in France,
-Critique of the Gotha Programme,
-The Communist Manifesto,
-The German Ideology,
-Theses of Feuerbach,
-The End of Classical German Philosophy,
-Principles of Communism,
-Socialism: Utopian and Scientific,
-Dialectics of Nature,
-Origins of the Family, Private Property and State,
-Reform or Revolution,
-The Mass Strike,
-State and Revolution,
-Imperialism: the Highest Stage of Capitalism,
-What is to Be Done?
-'Left Wing Anticommunism': An Infantile Disorder,
-The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism,
-An Exposition into Marxism,
-On Strikes,
-The Right of Nations to Self Determination,
-Dialectical and Historical Materialism,
-Foundations of Leninism,
-Trotskyism or Leninism,
-Anarchism or Socialism,
-On Contradictions,
-Combat Liberalism,
-On Practice,
-On the Correct Handling of Contradictions,
-On Protracted War,
-Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?
-Reminisces of the Cuban Revolutionary War,
-The Motorcycle Diaries,
-Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism,
-Against Empire,
-History Will Absolve Me,
-Khrushchev Lied,
-An Economic Development of the USSR,
-Human Rights in the Soviet Union,
-Is the Red Flag Still Flying,
-Industrialisation In the Soviet Union,
-Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation,
-Socialism in the Soviet Union,
-Soviet Form of Popular Government,
-Workers Participation in the Soviet Union,
-The Great Conspiracy,
-The Soviets and Ourselves: Two Commonwealths,
-Eastern Germany: Stasi State or Socialist Paradise,
-Conquest of Bread
-Unequal Exchange: Imperialism and Trade,
-Unequal Exchange: Prospects of Socialism,
-Divided World, Divided Class,
-The Wealth of (Some) Nations,
-The Law of Worldwide Value,
-Seventeen Contradictions,
-Why Marx Was Right,
-Towards a New Socialism,
-How the World Works: The Story of Human Labour from Prehistory to the Modern Day,
-The Wretched of the Earth,
-Revolutionary Suicide,
-Unwomanly Face of War,
-Confessions of an Economic Hitman,
-Imperialism in the 21st Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism’s Final Crisis,
-Imperialism in the 21st Century: Updating Lenin's Theory a Century Later,
-Liberalism: A Counter History,
-Kill Anything That Moves,
-Late Victorian Holocausts,
-Killing Hope,
-How Europe Underdeveloped Africa,
-Patriots, Traitors and Empires,
-The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman,
-The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte,
-Comments on Wagner,
-Theories of Surplus Value,
-Cuba and it's Neighbours: Democracy in Motion,
-Revolutions in Eastern Europe
-We Can Be Friends: Origins of the Cold War
-Class Struggle in Socialist Poland: With Comparisons to Yugoslavia
-Logic of Imperialism
-2050 China, Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country
-Elementary Principles of Philosophy
-The Direction of China's Reforms and Opening Up
-China's Socialist Economy
-On Some Western Marxist Misrepresentations of Chinese Socialism
-Labour: a Party Fit for Imperialism
-Build Socialism
-Fundamental Issues Present in Modern Day China
-Deng Xiaoping Thought
-Marxism and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
-Foreign Comrades in the October Revolution
-Fundamentals of Marxism Leninism
-The Spanish Republic and Civil War
-The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge
-Soviet Intervention in the Spanish Civil War 1936, a Re-Examination
-The Spanish Civil War, The Soviet Union, and Communism
-Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare
-The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security in Europe
-Racial Capitalism
-How to Lie With Maps
-The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture
-Rise and Growth of the Non-Aligned Movement
-Socialism: One Party System
-Socialism Betrayed
-Soviet Communism: New Civilisation
-Soviet Dictionary of Philosophy, 1967
-Soviet Foreign Policy: Objectives & Principles
-Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives
-The Soviet Parliament
-The World Was Going Our Way
-Triumph of Evil
-The Russian Revolution: A View From the Third World
-October: The Story of the Russian Revolution
-Feminist Theory of Violence
-Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine