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Останні рецензії користувача Ogztny

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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
21.9 год. загалом
Bugs, lots of Bugs!

At the begining there is no tutorial or any information about the game. You click and start somehow. While you are playing, you will face countless bugs ruining about gameplay. If I categorize them,

1. Desertion errors without any desertion occurs. This happens a lot in buildings and wrecked houses especially if you are on second floor. But at some corners or even forests you can die because of that even you don't cross the line. Also when you died you loose points.
2. Wrong respawn: I encountered this problem twice but I think it is critical. At the starting of the game system automatically spawn you at enemy territory and you killed by them. Without choosing team or section dying is frustrating.
3. Stuck: In the maps there are some points if you fall or jump there you stuck without any move or escape chance. Simply you have to wait someone to kill you or restart the game.

Besides of bugs, I would like to say few words about respawn system too. I think it should be redesign top to bottom. Sometimes you may respawn %100 death point (airstrike etc.). Or, when you choose a location (A or B) system sends you unrelated area of your choice. Also it is important to spawn a relatively safe location. If I am going to die as soon as I spawn, what is the point of team match. Simply make it a deathmatch without no strategy.

Finally I want to say, you may consider lower the gas and air strikes. It is known these two technologies are used in WW but on the scaling with small area, I believe it is not frequent that much. Also, air strikes and cannon fires are mostly happen before attack not during. There are some maps simply you can win with air strike and gas.
Додано 13 грудня 2023 р..
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