Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 22.5 tuntia (13.1 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 30.11.2019 klo 10.49

At first I through I will be disapointed but I'm not.
Well spend money, interesting and rich story and beautiful scenery. Or scary if we'are facing ocean of rats.
I've heard opinions about shallow relationship between Amicia and her brother, Hugo but actually I can't agree with that. At first, yes, you can tell that but I think its understandable - Amicia didn't talk with her brother almost at all. Their relationship couldn't be better because of that. In time they are learning themself and they are creating strong bond, I believe at least.
Highly recommended. Thank you for creating A Plague Tale: Innocence.

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