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Axis football is a football game made by a handful of people who work on the game parttime these guys have other jobs to support their families. Now with that said look at what they have done in a few years. The level of quality and content from 15 to 18 is mind blowing. Here is the deal every year they improve the game using the sales from the previous games. They listen to the community and implement features that we ask for! Never has a developer been so involved with their community. Yes the game is not where it needs to be but it will get there no doubt.

So, what do you get in Axis that you can't get with other football games? Fully customizable teams. You can make anything in Axis football with basic knowledge of photoshop. The dev wanted you to be able to create infinite teams, uniforms, and in the future even play books, Aimed passing is a novel concept ala NFL fever but with more control. You aim the cursor where you want and based on your movement the ball will go there. Of course you still have traditional button passing as well. The new addition this year is franchise mode (mods work with it). The community has already made a classic NFL mod and a full yes full NCAA mod with up to date rosters. Stats for players and teams are kept you can also spectate or coach if you don't feel like taking the controls.

All in all Axis football is going places and you can tell. I will forever support a dev that listens and no dev listens more than this one. Props to Danny and all who brought us this ray of hope by making Axis Football.
Публикувана 15 септември 2018.
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139.0 изиграни часа (26.8 часа по време на рецензията)
I can't recommend this game as a coop game. Single player sure. However, the devs compeletly screwed this one up by locking player progression. Including guns to everyone but the host. So, idiotically stupid I can't even begin to understand.

Who the hell thought this was a good idea? I am still voting this game down because of the massive disappointment I feel now.
Публикувана 30 март 2018.
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49.8 изиграни часа
Just buy it.
Публикувана 5 март 2018.
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18.1 изиграни часа (3.8 часа по време на рецензията)
I am sure this game has a lot of positive things but for now as it stands right now. I can not recommend this game. First of all it has terrible freezing,crashing, and the dreaded blue screen of death crash screen. Once these are ironed out I will review again. I can't beat the first level without it crashing so I have to stop playing for now. Stay away on the pc maybe the consoles are a better option for you right now if you just want to play it with no issues.
Публикувана 29 октомври 2017. Последно редактирана 29 октомври 2017.
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103.3 изиграни часа (71.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Axis game is the best thing to happen to football gaming in a very long time. Yes the game is lacking in many areas but the rate of growth this game has had in just three years has been mind blowing. I expect an even bigger jump next year. Danny and company have always listened to suggestions and implemented what they could. The game this year has much improved visuals, commentary,one of the best uniform editors you will see in a football game with virtually endless customization.

Franchise mode got a little bit better this year with drafts and custom draft classes. Yes, 50 years worth of custom draft clesses. Something football fans have begged for from every gaming company. Now its a reality. If you guys want options then support Axis footballs growth now and in the future!
Публикувана 16 август 2017.
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11.8 изиграни часа
I have been a RE fan since the beginning and while this game does return to survival horror it doesn't do enough to warrant a full 60 dollars. As many RE fans during the years I have been pining for the series to return to its roots with limited resourses, item management, limited mobility, and a decent story. This game has all that but is it enough?

Story: Ok this game has a decent story especially in the beginning. However, the ending areas just fall flat almost like the devs were just ready to finish the game. Extremely linear through the last few areas which is a bit of a let down. The characters were great especially the Baker family and your encounters with each of them. The ending just felt a bit anti climatic they really could have done better. The voice acting is good and I did think the video tapes added a nice touch to the game.

Controls: Controls are solid but the game just feels sluggish. You can block, run,shoot,quick turn,and crouch thats about it. No jumping. Your character has the slowest run in a game ever. Thats not a bad thing though this creates tension. Think Outlast. You will be defenseless a few times and have to hide ala Outlast/Alien Isolation.

Graphics: This game despite what most people have said looks great the mansion is highly detailed and a joy to explore, Unless you have a beast of a rig though don't touch internal resolution scaling leave that at 1 or 1.5.

Performance: I had to put some settings down as this game had frame rate drops terribly at times especially when turning a corner. I found if the frames dipped that if I quit the game and came back it would go back to 60. You might have to tweak your settings a bit.

Replay value: Ha, now this is a funny one. There is next to zero replay value in this game, no horde mode of any description, no coop modes, no raid,ect. However, Capcom is selling you a 30 dollar season pass for some additional content. There is some free content coming soon though. There are 2 different endings depending on a choice you make over halfway through the game.

Verdict: Ok, I give the devs credit for trying to return to their roots they did a good job overall. However, the game holds your hand a little too much for my liking, the puzzles were an obsolute joke minus one (and everyone knows which one that is) that had me stuck for 20 mins tops. Their were a total of 4 enemy types one of which you see maybe 3 times. The game has good pacing and kept me engaged all the way through but for 60 dollars I wouldn't pull the trigger. If you can try to rent this one or play it on steam share. I do recommend this game but not at full price. The game will take you about 10 hours tops.
Публикувана 24 януари 2017.
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1,797.1 изиграни часа (892.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Ok, I gave this a bad review due to the horrible censoring on the forums and unfair banning that TW was doing earlier on. They have redemned themselves by reinstating all the banned users. They have addressed many of the problems the game has suffered from but still have to fix a few more issues like spawning and balancing but its getting there.

The graphics are very good, the gore is very good, the maps are well designed and detailed, but most of all the guns and zeds are extremely impressive. The game will be supported for years to come with additional weapons, maps,zeds,bosses,and seasonal events. It had a rough Early Access that is for sure but the game is coming along. Yes there have been some dissappointments for sure like the Survivalist perk which was a complete cop out to get that last perk in time for the deadline for the console release.

In closing, I recommend this game although it doesn't have the grit of the original and is more casual its still very difficult and satisfying to play especially with a group of friends.

Update: Tripwire has now decided to charge 10 dollars per new weapon added to the game. RIP KF franchise. Killed by Greed. At least John Gibson can start working on a flux capacitor for his Delorean now!
Публикувана 23 ноември 2016. Последно редактирана 10 август 2019.
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8.7 изиграни часа (5.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I was excited when this game was announced because I could once again go for the acheivements like the good old days on the Xbox. However, having a PC means you expect certain things. Things like bug fixes and expanded graphical options are missing from this so called superior definitive remaster which imo is more of a downgrade. If you already own the original go ahead and download it if you want but expect many issues like crashing. Make sure you save often and i mean often. Because you don't want to crash and lose all of your progress. Some users have reported losing saves entirely, so be wary. If you don't own the original then don't bother until they fix the current issues. I can't recommend this game currently even if its free. Its a half ass port with issues galore.
Публикувана 17 септември 2016. Последно редактирана 18 септември 2016.
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4.1 изиграни часа (3.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Ok, lets just imagine what this guy could have done with Mighty Number 9s money. Once you play this game it will anger you because this game is what Mighty Number 9 should have been. This is the true spiritual successor to the famous Blue Bomber Mega Man.

Wow first off let me tell you if you like Mega Man in any capacity go buy this game right now. Yes its in Early Access but let me tell you this game is GOOD very Good even in its current unfinished state. This game is going to be a massive hit Massive because the replay value is so high. You play as two characters Nina which is your representation of Mega Man and also a Zero clone (can't remember his name) who has a sword as his main. The game has coop too which just adds to the replayablity of this game.

Graphics: A cell shaded look kind of cartoony but feels like a mix of the old nes and snes mega man games. The graphics get the job done for this retro style game.

Music: HOLY HOT DAMN this is good. This is the best part of the game imo. The game is worth the price of admission for the sound you get to treat your ears to this kind of goodness. 10/10!

Control: Ok I am going to be honest when I say this but this game has prob the most responsive controls in any game I have ever played. You feel like you are in 100 percent control of your movement and where you go. If you miss a jump its your fault.

Replay value: With random generated levels, daily challenges and challege modifiers this game could last you forever prob.

This game will prob end up being one of my all time favorite games because it takes elements from some of the best games ever like Spelunky and Mega Man. There is something exciting about playing these types of games because every run will be different due to the powerups you get just like Spelunky which is one of my all time favorites. This game may not be finished yet but its well on its way to becoming a smash hit. Go ahead and buy now if you like Rougelites, Mega Man, 2d platformers,and Spelunky.
Публикувана 9 август 2016.
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59.8 изиграни часа (8.0 часа по време на рецензията)
A huge improvement over Axis Football 2015 with new animations,player moves,more modding such as team modding,stadium modding,new announcer,and franchise mode. More features are coming as well. This game still has a long way to go but just look at this years version and compare it to last. Supporting this game will mean even more improvements in the future. Lets support now for better options in the future.
Публикувана 29 юли 2016.
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