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Ulasan terkini oleh Ace_And_Spades

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Tercatat 15.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 9.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game is not just some Ace Combat rip-off. Project Wingman is easily an equal to the best Ace Combat games out there.

The music is top-tier, adding to the atmosphere of every mission, giving a sense of victory or desperation or sheer panic.

The story, while not as developed as the Ace Combat games and the radio messages are repetitive (I swear if I hear one more enemy say "ACS Failure!"), it also provides unique moments (Fly with your WSO in a two-seater whenever possible for extra dialogue). While not giving spoilers, the story has its intense moments that had me going all out multiple times (which Ace Combat could never do even on Ace difficulty).

The SOUNDS, If you are lucky enough to be alongside an ally when they fire their machine guns, you get that perfect BRRRRRRRRRRRRRT sound that everyone loves. There are "other weapons" sounds (Again no spoilers) that occur that give the sense that you reallyyyyyyy do not want to be hit by these things.

The AI... My God the AI does not hold back, they will come at you with everything they have. In Ace Combat enemy NPCs were really just cannon fodder even on the hardest difficulty. Not the case with Project Wingman (Hard difficulty in my playthrough), the enemies are a threat and it is amazing to feel challenged and have to try in order to come out of a mission alive.

This game was worth the wait, and while it has its faults (Death in a mission that you've been playing for 30 minutes leads you right back to the start), it is an amazing refresh to the genre and would recommend to anyone.

Diposting pada 9 Desember 2020.
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