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0.0 hrs on record
This is quite literally the first time i got invested into a game and it's characters, the entire time i wanted to see them all thrive and at the ending i could only sit and watch as this gorgeous cinematic plays with a fire ass song and think "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥"

that ♥♥♥♥ cut deep the whole time man i almost cried
Posted 17 February.
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0.0 hrs on record
Overall this DLC is very mixed, although I, as are many others are leaning towards it being bad. Allow me to break it down for all who read this review.

Undoubtedly the single most important part of the game are the items, crucial to any run and dictating the optimal playstyle to your game and as such a great deal of caution must be exercised before adding new ones to the pool. Seekers of the Storm adds a whopping 17 items! Let's go over them and what they do.
|Warped echo: Upon taking damage 50% of the damage is applied as normal while the rest is applied delayed by 3 seconds, this has a cooldown of ten seconds after activation. A surprisingly decent safety net item, allowing the player to recover if they are quick enough.
Chronic expansion: Every 5 enemies defeated grants a 10% (+5% per stack) damage buff that lasts as long as the player is in combat. This serves as a more common Bezerker's pauldron, filling the same niche but less effectively.
Knockback fin: Upon hitting an enemy, you have a 7.5% (+7.5% for each stack) of knocking the enemy into the air (height increased for each stack) I shouldn't need to explain why an enemy randomly being launched upwards can be frustrating to deal with.
Bolstering lantern: When at 50% or less HP you gain a 20% (+20% for each stack) damage buff, this item functions as a risky yet consistent alternative to the Delicate watch.
Antler shield: 55% (5% per stack) chance when being hit to deal 10% (+10% per stack) to the attacker. This is a bad item, relying on the player taking damage just to get the effects it has.
Chance doll: 20% (+8% per stack) to get a higher rarity item when using a shrine of chance. Overall a pretty decent item, it has its use and does a good job at it.
Prayer beads: stores 20% (+5% per stack) of the player's stats upon level up and will grant all stats back upon being removed, through scrapper or printer. This item is okay, it isn't great compared to others but it's at least unique.
Luminous shot: When using your secondary skill gain a charge that powers up your next primary skill by 150% (+25% per stack) for the next 5 (+1 per stack) uses. This item is a bit complicated and it doesn't seem immediately useful but I won't give it a final judgement yet.
Sale star: Gain one extra item from any chest once per stage (each stack gives a +5% chance for more items) upon opening the first chest this item will be consumed and will refresh at the beginning of a new stage. This item is unbelievably busted, gaining an extra item for just one uncommon is insane and can grant you enormous value if you wait to open a large or legendary chest.
Unstable transmitter: When damaged to 25% or less HP the survivor releases an explosion dealing 250% (+350% per stack) damage to nearby enemies and teleports to a random location, recharging after 2 minutes (-5% per stack) This item just sucks, being teleported to a random place on the map is horrible, simple.
Noxious thorn: 25% chance on being hit to inflict nearby enemies with 2 (+1 per item stack) stacks of bleed, if enemies are inflicted with other stackable debuffs those are all increased by 1 (+1 per item stack) as well. This could have been a fantastic item if it wasn't reliant on being damaged to work.
Growth nectar: While having at least 5 unique buffs, gain 20% (+20%) bonus stats for 5 seconds. This is a really good item, unfortunately it isn't too that easy to find 5 different buffs that are sustainable.
War bond: gain 75 (+25 per stack) gold that is increased based on survivor level and difficulty upon entering a stage. ♥♥♥♥ this item. reminder this is in the same tier as an item that doubles all proc chances or an item that makes all your attacks explode. ♥♥♥♥. This. Item.
Runic lens:
Sonorous whispers: When killing a boss they drop an item, upon killing an elite there is a 15% (+5% per stack) of dropping an item. This is busted, this will allow you to get so powerful so easily. Arguably one of the strongest items in the game.
Electric boomerang: 15% chance on hit to fire a boomerang that deals 60% (30% per stack) damage and stuns any enemies hit. God this is awful, want to know what else has a 15% chance of stunning enemies? 3 STUN GRENADES. this is an awful item but luckily for it, War bond is worse.
Longstanding solitude: All gold is converted to XP, everything that costs gold is increased by 100% (+100% per stack) upon level up grant 1 (+1 per stack) free purchase. This is a potentially run killing lunar item. It is only useful if you also stack brittle crowns.
Life seed: obtained by defeating the False son (the new final boss) this item acts as a Dio's best friend, granting an extra life to you or any other players that die, being consumed on use. After it has been consumed it can be used to grow a sprout that grants some healing orbs. Overall this item is fine.

As we can see, there is a clear fluctuation between the usefulness of the items, with most being poor. This provides a problem with bloating item pools, making certain items that are essential (speed, crit, attack speed) even more difficult to find in a run.

This update adds 3 new survivors, more than SotV.
Seeker: the "support" survivor, with multiple methods of healing and a lackluster DPS this survivor was a letdown for most. However it could prove a decent role in multiplayer lobbies. Overall it's just okay
Chef: A massive disappointment. Far cry from the snappy and fluid gameplay from the first game and we are now stuck with a slow, janky skill list that does not feel good to use. Even worse is that his iconic skill "Second Helping" is relegated to a side. With his buttery smooth kit being left in the oven for a little too long resulting in an unsatisfying combo character. Dice is difficult and not enjoyable to use, not spammable with attack speed resulting in boring gameplay. Sear has a long animation, can't be cancelled without certain methods, is very short ranged, is a DoT in contrast to it's old burst, and deals poor damage. Replacing Glaze is Roll, a chargeable sprint that deals damage on contact akin to Mul-Ts. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact it just doesn't work well with his kit overall. Finally instead of his iconic special we have Glaze, now in his 4 slot. Glaze fires a burst of oily globs out in a shotgun blast, oiling up the enemies to combo with Sear. This just doesn't feel fun to use, for a character that is incintivized to combo his skills everything he does comes off sluggish and off, making a character that used to be my favorite one of my least favorite in the franchise.
False son: False son is the secret character, and boy does he really embody the "boss after you unlock them" joke well. His primary fire is a simple club swing that he can combo into a chargeable slam, pretty basic and simple. His secondary shoots out a little lunar spike that he can store a maximum of 4 and they recharge pretty slowly. Upon hitting an enemy they are afflicted with lunar ruin causing them to take more damage, its an alright secondary. His utility is a sudden dash forward that can be angled up or down, it feels so off to use as your character is practically teleported forward, it doesn't feel natural or like it fits. His special is a pretty standard eye laser. He just charges up and does what the titans do. The main problem with him is that his animations just feel lazy and stiff. Everything he does feels like the devs (blame the rushed development) spent 2 hours animating. I know he's a golem but even the titans move smoothly. It just feels off to play as.

I'm running out of space but the enemies and stages are okay, nothing too special or interesting. I think the stages are too big and the enemies too few, but It's alright I suppose.
Not worth the price at the moment
Posted 29 August, 2024.
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113.4 hrs on record (51.6 hrs at review time)
Posted 3 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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40.1 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Now I'll just come out of the gate and say it like it is, is this game hard? No not really, at least compared to most other roguelites this game is fairly forgiving and on the easy side. Is this game even a roguelite? Yes but I feel like the main appeal is the base building moreso than combat, as the split seems at least 50/50 between the two gameplay loops.

However this is not at all to say I disliked the game, in fact it was very enjoyable. While it can be very easy to breeze through the game if you are experienced in other roguelite/bullet hell games while taking few deaths or hits, it is still a very enjoyable game for someone like me, who tends to get bored of base builder games and I even found myself wishing I had a bigger base to build more stuff. Case in point being that if you are a fan of the roguelite or builder genre then I recommend you pick this game up, not only is it cute but the gameplay isn't too bad and even if you're a hardcore roguelite expert you might still enjoy the time you spend on this game.
Posted 21 September, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
18.5 hrs on record (13.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As of now in it's current state, I cannot recommend this game due to the SHEER AMOUNT of bugs, and not just game breaking ones at that, let me start with the ones I have personally experienced:
  • If you are playing with friends and the entire squad goes down, I as the host am forced to alt+f4 the game because it freezes
  • enemies will shoot at you throughout the level, even if you are not within line of sight
  • the entire map's collision will deload for a second causing EVERY entity (player or otherwise) to fall through the map, and yes this is a guaranteed squad wipe unless you somehow stagger a player respawn. This will also occur randomly but my friends found it near the hanging plant canal section
  • the p90's base iron sights is bugged and will make it near impossible to aim with
  • sometimes a player will be unable to join if you start without them
  • you can get stuck in the menu if you press it but only inconsistently for some reason
keep in mind that these bugs make it a chore to play through the game, as since there are no checkpoints either, if you squad wipe you are all the way back to the start of the mission no ifs, ands, or buts.

Now this all above may seem harsh, but I would like to explain some things about this game that I really liked and hope the devs will keep in mind:
  • the ambiance of the map is great, it's dark and going in blind is fantastic because you are constantly on alert, the first time I encountered 173 was amazing and I might not forget it anytime soon
  • the story taking place in the SCP 5000 alternate universe where the foundation does a 180 and tries to kill humanity is very interesting and I like how we play as a unit that is more or less grossly unprepared for these anomalous horrors
  • the guns feel really nice to use and shoot as well as making it satisfying to hit a headshot and instantly drop a zombie
  • pressing Y on your keyboard makes you wave, which is particularly fun to do after nailing your friend in the head, had a lot of fun with that
  • the models for the SCPs (that i have seen myself) are really nice, although I hope the devs do not over rely on zombies as the main enemy type and eventually add in some more, perhaps a 939, 966, or 610 enemy type
these are some of the things I have enjoyed in this game and I really hope the devs eventually fix this game up because I would love more SCP games out there, especially a more shooter based one.
Posted 29 August, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
they finally made this game good wow so cool
Posted 25 July, 2023.
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0.5 hrs on record
She Garten on my Banban till i 4
Posted 14 May, 2023.
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43.6 hrs on record (14.7 hrs at review time)
Honestly I should have bought this a long time ago, it feels deserved for all the times i played this franchise back when I was a wee lad. Not only are the characters and monsters extremely cute, but it feels good to play for even someone like me who dislikes most TBRPGs. And you could say nostalgia is blinding me but I do not care because I'm just happy I can support the people that played a pivotal role in my early childhood.
Posted 25 December, 2022.
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61.3 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
i streamed this to my friends and they all stood in silent shock as they witnessed the acts of brutality i subjugated the AI to endure. thank god video games dont have laws
Posted 4 September, 2022.
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70.5 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
Honestly if you're a fan of games like Dead Cells then you'll love this game just as much, from the (oddly complex) story to the fun gameplay loop and all the cool skulls you unlock i've loved every minute of this game has got me hooked and intrigued
however there is very little reason to not constantly wait, with no real penalty for sitting around for you're heirloom buff to recharge it seems to encourage you to play lame and slow, which i personally am not a huge fan of (now if they had time limits to get more bone fragments / money / items then that would be all good) all in all i enjoyed playing this game and i'm certain i will continue to enjoy it, now if only they could add steam workshop support...
Posted 18 August, 2022.
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