
Последние обзоры steeg

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This is the type of game that you require to master the basic and really important mechanic (such as pressing and holding 'space' to boost jump which is important to quickly win a certain map) in order to achieve utmost fun in playing this game. The blend of music, various plane and special move sound really make me thinking that "Im a planeeee!!" (and it's actually weird that this game make you thinking you are a plane MORE than any other plane game IMO. This game is really creative. It needs more polish and more type of gameplay. To be honest, 'Take the flag' of this game is better that 'Take the flag' in UT series. What I really want to see is that professional player playing this game in competitive scene. It would be so much fun to watch.

Edit: This is my first review
Опубликовано 17 ноября 2015 г.. Отредактировано 17 ноября 2015 г..
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