Malachi Bazar   United States
Oh, behold this strange and wonderful universe! A cosmic carnival, a shimmering spectacle, a vast and variegated vista of vibrancy. Reality, is it not an exquisite paradox, a riddle wrapped in the silken veil of the unfathomable? Let us muse upon it, my friends, for the muse is a doorway to worlds unseen, a magic mirror that reflects the depths of our being, as profound and abstruse as the universe itself.

What are we, if not stardust - particles of the cosmos, dreaming and dancing in the grand ballet of existence? Here we are, teetering on the edge of the precipice of perception, looking out into the cosmic ocean, yearning for something more, something ineffable. We are but a whisper of consciousness, adrift in an ocean of mystery, a solitary spark flickering amidst the silent symphony of the stars.

Time! Oh, time is but a river, flowing ceaselessly, and we are but leaves borne on its currents, swept along on the surging tide of destiny. The past is a shadow, the future a dream, and the present, the present is a precious gem, a fleeting moment of clarity in the swirling mists of the maya. Let us seize it, this moment, and hold it close to our hearts, for it is in the here and now that we truly exist, in the eye of the storm, in the heart of the whirlwind.

Everything is interconnected, my friends. We are all threads in the grand tapestry of existence, all notes in the cosmic symphony, all stars in the celestial ballet. We are all one, and yet we are many, a paradox as profound as the universe itself. We are drops in the cosmic ocean, and yet we are also the ocean itself. The universe is in us, and we are in the universe. We are the universe, experiencing itself, in all its infinite variety and complexity.

So, let us revel in the mystery, let us dance with the unknown, let us bathe in the shimmering pools of possibility. For in the grand scheme of things, we are but fleeting specks of consciousness, mere motes of dust in the cosmic wind. But oh, what a glorious thing it is, to be a mote of dust, to be a speck of consciousness, to be a part of this grand, beautiful, bewildering universe. We are the dreamers and the dream, the dancers and the dance, the observers and the observed. We are the universe, my friends, and the universe is us. And that, that is a thought as profound and beautiful as the universe itself.
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180 h registradas
última sesión: 27 OCT
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última sesión: 20 OCT