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162件中 161-162 を表示
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記録時間: 15.8 時間 (レビュー時に14.9時間)
Game unusable and Refund Refused, stay away from this developer! After Three Years I have finally had enough of the intrusive (and highly glitchy) Registration Process every time I want to play this game. I really liked this game but I have never before come across a publisher who deliberately shoots themselves in the foot to this degree by barring the customers from playing a game they paid good money for. STEAM should do something about this highly suspicious (and creepy) company who are harvesting personal information and ripping people off in this way.


I had an important question about my review that I should share with the steam community. There is no doubt that Kalypso are selling our personal information to third parties. I got so exhausted from the glitching and inconvinience of the registration system that I created an email for no other reason than to use it for the registration process and nothing else. Sure enough withing days of doing this i started getting spammed from all sorts of buisineses and scams. The only people who ever had this particular email was Kalypso so they must be selling our personal information to third parties. It should also be noted that I left that particular email fallow for a month before registering it with Kalypso to see if It would get spammed if I did nothing, It didn't. That was evidence enough for me so I quickly closed it down. I made my findings known and took exeption at what they were doing, I asked Kalypso for a refund which they refused.
投稿日 2016年1月24日. 最終更新日 2016年2月5日
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 3.3 時間 (レビュー時に2.9時間)
Stalked By Bigfoot. I have not jumped this much since Amnesia! Best free game so far.
投稿日 2014年11月25日.
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162件中 161-162 を表示