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yhteensä 11.5 tuntia (4.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
When I first saw this game I thought "Ooooh I'm in for a treat, sea-warfare." It's like AC Black Flag except without the horrible manifestation that is Ubisoft, and yes it was a treat seeing all that would be seen and to be expected in a game such as this, mind you, I saw (heard) that their English was not great, especially in the tutorial but English is and will always be a hard and very odd language to understand which is why East Europeans will sound weird when trying to speak English, but give them their due they do well to explain with detail. Anyway back to the game I was... am attracted and in love, 17th and 18th century sea-warfare is a phenomenon that keeps me contempt and filled with oar (duh-dum tsh) but not every game is perfect and certainly not this I have to say sadly, and of course I have to mention I'm in South Africa not the best to play online games OH NO definitely not, being the furthest away from all the tasty buttered bread of the online world, at least for now.

So server issues and lag are my forte, if you want some I will gladly give you some for FREE,
in my case when I now try to get on to the game, the server times out, now this upsets me, because I WANT TO PLAY give it another go see if my worries are over.

But I'm rambling on now so to end with basically all I blabbered into one small note,
Get It,It's Free,
But Wait A While, And See,
Sea-Warfare, At Its Best,
Stop Complaining Give It A Rest,
A Few Updates, I'm Sure,
Will Leave You... Enamoured.

Go On, Away With You!
Julkaistu 7. marraskuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.0 tuntia
Dragonborn- Let us be getting this straight, it is not the kind of DLC you want to run through as you start a new character by the time you reach level 10, but it is one that you would want to take a leisurely stroll through see the details and venture across Solsteim, rather stand in one position outside of town and listen to the sounds of ambience, as it does differ from Skyrim's.

Definitely worth getting. There is quite a bit of lore as well,(spoilers), oh yes and not to forget (spoilers).
Just don't rush it I learnt that once I finished it.
Julkaistu 16. lokakuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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