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Free PALESTINE 5 лип. о 4:35 
I was the killer, you stupid team killer
♕Xaker007♕Ttv 30 черв. о 15:44 
When I try to unhook you, you tried to unhook yourself, because of this I can't unhook you. This thing lost the game
Free PALESTINE 30 черв. о 12:48 
I think you mistaken with another match, You hide and let 3 of your teammate die on hook just to win, which you couldn't and died "Noob"
♕Xaker007♕Ttv 30 черв. о 12:33 
Noob that don't let me unhook him and lost the game.
Kareivis ☠ ♱ 24 черв. о 7:57 
Vitor LeBank' 24 черв. о 7:11 
W bro W