United States
Ei tietoja.
. 16.7. klo 20.08 
every game with this guy is the try not to feed every game challenge: impossible
★ツBladeツ★ 7.7. klo 15.21 
player trashh
ancient players are archon 29.6. klo 20.03 
this guy a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ retar d, avoid him at all costs
Mel 28.6. klo 17.49 
damn you are retarded, I hope you die today
Mel 28.6. klo 17.48 
kILL YOURSELF LIL ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 25.6. klo 20.43 
the comments tell you everything y ou need to know about this virgin