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게시 일시: 2021년 9월 16일 오후 3시 30분
업데이트됨: 2021년 9월 16일 오후 3시 44분

I felt like playing one of my regular go-to games, but was going to start this little game first to quickly see what it was like before resuming business as usual. But I totally underestimated how “Corpse of Discovery” would pull me in. I kept going for six and a half hours straight until it was done.

It turned out to be a truly remarkable exploration of, not just the alien landscapes on the screen, but also the meaning of life, what it means to be human and to be alive. It ponders our existence, our significance (and/or insignificance) in the universe; the meaning of family, of everyday choices, the existence of a higher power, our fate, the significance of artificial intelligence and what that holds for the future of human life.
Does the greatness of man’s accomplishments actually mean anything beyond the human context? Does the universe care about any of that? Are our technological advances actually taking us anywhere in the bigger scheme of things?

Gameplay-wise you will, as an astronaut (in 3D platforming style), explore the surfaces of mysterious alien planets and the lifeforms on them, aided by an AI drone, a jet pack and waypoints. You will encounter things that blurr the line between reality and fiction, between the present and the past, between visual observation and thought. Real historical recordings of famous speeches are incorporated, even surprise messages by famous actors.

“Corpse of Discovery” was a delight to play and intrigued me throughout. I was a bit frustrated with the platforming in the final level, but that was probably because I desperately wanted to see how the game ends, and I guess I was feeling fatigue setting in by then. Ultimately it was a very worthwhile experience. I am richer for it.
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