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Recent reviews by Grottoo

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1 person found this review helpful
13.3 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
PayDay 2, The Graphics Mod. How is there LESS content while ignoring DLCs from the last game?

I feel I should point out that WHILE TYPING THIS, my TITLE screen failed to Matchmake. Until they release a hell of a patch note list, I wouldn't bother playing to get your own opinion of the game.
Posted 24 September, 2023.
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216.6 hrs on record (213.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 28 August, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
I feel like all 3 of these weapons lack any "Oomph".

The bow should be a heavy hitting, part breaking annihilator of all things mechanical, but instead fires a WOODEN ARROW at speeds that barely exceed School Zone limits. If it's a Prototype or Military, it works fine... but good luck finding your arrows when the robot uses magic to make them disappear. DO NOT bother with things bigger than Hunters, just use the Fiddy Cal or a freaking Molly PP, it'll be faster and more reliable.

The Pitchfork is cool and all... took FORTY FULL CHARGED SWINGS to kill an Apocalypse Hunter, and stunned it ONCE, but you ARE hitting a robot with a farm implement so, eh.

Flamethrower is about as effective at killing robots as using a desk fan on *High* would be, and after you've gone through 200 ammo to kill anything you'd wish you'd have used the desk fan to save some fuel. The part damage from sticky flame juice is cool, but... it takes. So. Much. Fuel.

If the bow gets a draw speed downgrade in exchange for firing an arrow the size of the Throwing Shovels from Far Cry 5, and slaps that hard to boot, then it'll be worth it for sure. Pitchfork is.... alright? Hard to make a satisfying melee weapon in this honestly. Flamethrower needs a major revamp. Personally, I feel like if it's DOT lasted a lil longer, or if it fired much faster with a damage increase, it would be awesome.

All new weapons were tested on all enemy types, at 5 Crown rarity. Overall recommended enemy usages below:

Bow: Unaware Tick, Prototype
PItchfork: Don't.
Flamethrower: Tick Remover (TM)
Posted 3 June, 2022.
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4.9 hrs on record
I bought this thinking it would be a blast, but got a 4 hr long Baby's First Shooter, where even on hard dying in combat is almost impossible, there's no feeling of threat, attacks are buggy and broken(Looking at you Katana Elemental Attacks!) and deaths are 99% of the time because Lo Wang forgot how to wallrun or climb in the middle of doing it. Until the game length is tripled, or a free expansion drops, I would not purchase a game that can be speedrun in an hour on accident.

...New Difficulty dropped? Everything got rebalanced?
...I'll be back in a few hours.
Posted 18 March, 2022. Last edited 17 April, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
14.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The game is fun, no doubt about that, but after you fight 4 Rex's in single expedition, due to a game bug, and then have the game crash, due to a bug, wasting several hours of your life from the general buginess, it seems that this game isn't even ready for Early Access. Too many issues make the game almost unplayable solo, due to being knockdown spammed, and eventually killed by the game locking up from too many Bulls spawning at the same time and ramming you through the world, trapping you inside a wall, or themselves. Insane Difficulty isn't even difficult, nowhere near it, and the only "insanity" comes from the game's framerate tanking from a single fire effect burning out of control. Dinosaurs (Especially big ones, or ones you need to kill) just love to fly away, from walking on and ragdolling a dino under them LAUNCHING them into orbit. Same thing can happen to you, and will happen often in large groups of dinos. Below is a more specific list of issues you may encounter, and I hope the Devs see and want to actually fix, rather than cram a cruddy event down our throats:

- The Necrosis event will Lock up, freezing progress indefinitely, around 50% of the time.
- If an enemy burrows through the ground near a structure, they can stretch into infinity and crash your game.
- Enemies are literally retarded. They will spam ranged attacks when they are in spitting distance, and, guess what, that ranged attack? It ALWAYS knocks you down, and has range comparable to a Red Barrel explosion from every video game ever.
- The Rocket Launcher, while arguably the only fun weapon to use, will continuously deal no damage, from any range, for no reason. This effect is completely random, and WILL happen when you don't want it to.
- There is no apparent limit to large Dinos, and that is only not a problem because of how short the fight for your life during extraction is. It WILL overrun your position very quickly and the aforementioned spamming of heavy attacks and knockdowns will make the game unplayable unless you just kite them for an hour.
- Remember fighting a Cyberdemon in DOOM 1? Welcome to the dinosaur equivalent of that. EVERY enemy in the game can be treated like a Kamikaze in Serious Sam, and will still manage to have worse AI.
- Most events and missions will bug out frequently, locking progress until you leave the area and try another thing nearby. This SOMETIMES fixes it.
- No Voice Chat? No Chat in general? I love trying to tell some poor sap who just bought this game that he can drop ammo via the "LOOT" icon, and having said idiot look in vain for goodies on the ground for 20 minutes.
- Too much ammo. I mean, sure, you run out in every encounter, but 12 feet away in this "Large Open World" is 3 ammo boxes. Granted Equipment boxes are rarer, which is nice, but when there is no consequence for burning ammo, it makes the game stall very quickly, and rely less on the INFINITE ammo drop ability.

I get that this game is not for everyone, but it plays more like a ROBLOX version of a mod of Generation Zero with freaking dinosaurs than an actual game. Hell, Generation Zero is stable and fun experience compared to this. They have a lot of work to do, and a lot of ground to retake before I would consider this a good use of anyone's time. Have fun if you can, but you will do everything there is to do in around 5 hours in.
Posted 28 February, 2021.
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238.5 hrs on record (59.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Just Yes. Except the Vault. THAT is OUCH. well, and the Lake. Better have Breathless!
Posted 16 November, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
488.8 hrs on record (146.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun, but numerous bugs in even the most recent stable versions make it hit or miss on most aspects of gameplay. Most infuriating is possibly the game repeatedly forgetting to store inventory in a vehicle, or straight up deleting it upon returning to the game. This has been an issue for a while. Still, it IS fun to play, and I keep finding myself coming back to it. Much to come from the devs, and they've done a lot already.
Posted 16 November, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
34.6 hrs on record (29.1 hrs at review time)
A wonderful throwback to the Super Metroid days, and being improved all the time makes this a great game to pick up and play anytime! Beware the Save Station Dash!
Posted 13 November, 2019.
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180.1 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
An amazing transformation to 3D from 2D, from a great game to a greater one, this game does not disappoint, and it's only early access! For anyone scared to buy it because of it's development phase, or just anxious whether or not it's a good use of your money, I can assure you, you will not regret buying such an amazing game. Also, you can electrify enemies with a string instrument, so, what's not to like in the first place?
Posted 30 March, 2019.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries