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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Millo

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62.2 giờ được ghi nhận (62.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
(sorry for my poor english)

Pros :
- Great graphic/artstyle
- Good music
- Interesting approach on the Endless univers

Cons :
- Too easy for a rogue like
- Lack of content
- Boring gameplay loop (maybe because of the 2 first points)
- Multiplayer was buggy, at the time, many could not progress in theyr game if they were on the game of someone else in multiplayer.
- Not well balenced. I know it's a roguelike, not every thing is balenced. Lookt at Isaac, great game but not all charachter are worth it. But isaac has plenty of charachter, when you only have 9, you quickly feel that some are way better than others.
- Sundently lost all of my save after an update, i'm not the only one.

Additional notes :
- The game suffer the comparaison with his predecessor, Dungeon of the endless. Wich is, in my opinion, a better game. It was challenging, sometime unfair (in a good roguelike way), you got plenty of charachters to unlock, the story was misterious. If endless dungeon do something better, it's the multi. I love playing multi with the first game, dont get me wrong, but one of the role you can be assign in the first game was to wait and not move in a room because we need your charachter there. I can understand that it's not trepident. Where the new game is more dynamic. But sadly, even with dinamysm, it oppose 0 resistance, unlike the first game.
- We wanted a Dungeon of the Endless 2, we got another game. Maybe our expectations were wrong. Maybe communication from the studio was wrong. Maybe both.
- If the approach on the Endless Univers is interesting, it is also weyrd. The ambience and charachter's personalities are not in phase with what we've been accomodated to. So i can understand that many dislike the direction the game take on that. i myslef is part of this groups, but if at least the gameplay was good, why not.
- I can understand that difficulty is subjectiv, but this game only oppose you little of a challenge, maybe it's sufficient for some but not for me. I dont want the hardest challenge, but in this case it's just too easy.
We waited a long time for content for an empty game. It was heavily bugged in multiplayer with a lot of complications to keep your progress in the game.

The game was released unfinished, it took a while before we could really enjoy the multiplayer without a progression bug which forced us to start runs again (which also risked not giving their progress). It took months before we finally received new content even though the game is easy and quickly repetitive.

I only lose 1 game out of 10 when playing solo, 0 out of 20 if I play in a duo. But it's always the same levels without new difficulty or progression. Unlike certain classics like Darkest dungeon, Rogue legacy, FTL, Isaac, Hades, Slay the Spire, etc... there is no feeling of progression, just the feeling of repeating the same map over and over while waiting for content .

And unlike games like Dungeon of the Endless, Vermintide 2, Gunfire Reborn and so on, which are games that are pleasant to start again without having any progression because their gameplay is attractive, the gameplay of this game does not is not very developed and we quickly end up no longer being surprised or encountering difficulty.

All this so that after having endured these problems despite everything in order to unlock everything in the game I discovered that my save was lost.
Đăng ngày 13 Tháng 07.
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J'adorais ce jeux et j'y ai mis de l'argent car il étais vraiment génial et original....... Puis ils ont fermé les serveurs...
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 09, 2016. Sửa lần cuối vào 8 Tháng 05, 2021.
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