God bless you.
Come to Christ
If this text falls upon you I hope you are having a great day. Whether we've spoken in a while or not I just want you to read this in its entirety. First of all, is your life fulfilling? Are you prepared to die? Our life is just a breath in comparison to what is in store for us. Do you believe in an afterlife? Whether you do or not it is real. And your rebellion against a God most people don't think exists will condemn you to hell. If you've lied, stolen, lusted, hated or been jealous of others belongings you have broken God's laws which are the Ten Commandments. Now because God is perfectly just and righteous you will be punished for your crime, just like in a court of law on this earth. The Creator of and sovereign ruler of the entire universe is generous and merciful, and by becoming flesh he died for your sins. Repent and turn from your sins and trust in Christ. Submit Jesus Christ and die to your earthly desires, they will get you nowhere. We waste our lives concerned with games while principalities of darkness attack our souls. I pray that the Lord convicts your heart and that you turn to him in prayer, please for your own sake. God bless you.