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2.1 год. загалом
KaramaZoo is an extremely innovative take on co-op gameplay. With team sizes allowing up to 10 friends or random players this team focused game makes it fun to complete goals and find various secrets without making it feel forced. Progression feels the same way but as a player you want to play more and unlock the various other characters which could impact how your team completes a level. Even if you don’t have friends who play this game I highly recommend it just to play with new people towards a common goal.
Додано 21 листопада 2023 р..
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58.8 год. загалом (18.9 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Early Access:

“Greed” would be a great alternative title for this game.

I’m sure there are plenty of reviews comparing ZERO Sievert to a budget Tarkov with elements from Stalker but at it’s core it feels like a gambling simulator. You get tasks from various people littered throughout the bunker and you venture into one of several different maps to collect items to fulfill said tasks. Assuming you survive long enough to find the item or items a question crosses your mind, “Do I leave now or do I collect more loot?”

Become the Rat Lord you always wanted to be. Carry a pistol with only 15% health and 10 rounds in hopes you can kill a bandit with a rifle with the same amount of health with little to no ammo. It doesn’t matter, like everything else you will just sell it when you get back. Constantly collecting rare items and money until you purchase some nice armor… and then do it all over again for the next upgrade.

It’s Early Access and it isn’t perfect but it’s lots of fun.

Додано 25 листопада 2022 р..
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54.7 год. загалом (40.1 год на момент рецензування)

Several years of missteps from major publishers over the course of years has left a sour taste in the mouth of the consumer. Broken promises, game breaking bugs, and poor optimization have plagued new releases. This leads to discontent within the gaming community. Review bombs and critical youtube videos cause flame wars among an already unhappy consumer base. This breeds “Skepticism”

So what happens when you put the words “survival fantasy” “zombie” and “sandbox” all in the same game description? If you have used the steam store over the last decade one might be a little skeptical of that combination of words. I certainly was. But doom and gloom aside, why did I find myself playing State of Decay 2?

Undead Labs released the first State of Decay in 2013, I only recently decided to pick it up earlier this year and many of the bugs and other issues were sorted out in the game of the year edition. I had a blast with it. So it was only natural I sought out the second game in the series.

So what changed? (Besides a partnership with xbox studios)

Overall State of Decay 2 is a significant improvement over the first. While it’s not as narrative driven there are some interesting events/missions which can have a compelling story. You start small, turning a group of survivors into a thriving community but you never feel “overpowered” as the game progresses, a small mistake can lead to the death or deaths of your entire group. Combat feels more fluid and with different survivors you can try various builds depending upon the skills you fancy.

Are there downsides? A few but nothing that hasn’t soured my experience.

While the controls are tight the driving can sometimes feel… off. While driving though the country side you can hit a pixel at the right angle and it might send you spinning across the map. Other times a screamer might spawn in behind you and the shed you are looting becomes your grave. But I never found anything so frustrating that I wanted to quit.

Last thing of note if you do decide to purchase this game on or off sale and you find things a bit too easy going or the base upgrades don’t seem to be having an impact on how you play, raise the difficulty. Having to make sure every shot counts, resource management, carrying the most essential items, trade, and protecting the various groups of neighbors ends up being more important and it ends up being more fun rather than feeling like you are doing the same task over and over. State of Decay 2 is a sandbox game and it can be easy to forget that. So rather than going to point A to point B, why not go off the beaten path, drive your car off a cliff with the horn blaring and lead all the zombies to a gas tank and accidentally blow both the zombies and yourself to kingdom come and start all over.

Word salad aside I can recommend State of Decay 2 for anyone seeking a positive zombie sandbox game which you can play with friends.
Додано 24 листопада 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
23.8 год. загалом (23.1 год на момент рецензування)
The real Trauma Loop is trying to craft a world salad about the deeper intellectual nuances one might find within Cruelty Squad in hopes of impressing the dialectician equivalent of a gordon ramsay.

Cruelty Squad is an unrelenting first person shooter with puzzle like aspects. Each assignment/mission/level has various targets you must “remove” and there are various weapons, tools, and methods you can employ to do so. It reminds me of titles like Hitman, Dishonored, or Manhunt.

The game looks like a first graders art project. Several times during the level Archon Grid the textures were moving so much I thought I was having a stroke. While some might view the avant garde graphics as a casual filter it’s one of the things which makes Cruelty Squad a charming game. After a level or two they really grow on you.

If the missions become too difficult perhaps try playing the stock market. Invest hundreds to earn thousands. Those expensive augments won’t buy themselves. Having issues earning cash? Find the hidden fishing pole and catch exotic creatures to sell on the market. Or just blast people and collect the organs littered about on the ground.

Cruelty Squad’s soundtrack is a mix of soothing chip tune music and something akin to listening to the death grips though a baby monitor. This selection is quite fitting.

The game does have a few negatives. You’ll come across occasional lag, sometimes said problem can be fixed in settings but it can easily get you killed. Enemy AI is also rather…. Interesting, it’s not always a negative but in a panic a target can kill themselves because they got spooked. This isn’t a common occurrence but I wish it was less random.

Would I recommend one of the most interesting releases of 2021? For those folks looking for something new or interesting, yes.
Додано 13 липня 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
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5.8 год. загалом (3.4 год на момент рецензування)
“Escapism is mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment. Escapism may be used to occupy one's self away from persistent feelings of depression or general sadness.”

The current date is December 26 2020. This information is only relevant due to the events which have taken place. We’ve seen pandemic, social unrest, the list goes on and on. The events themselves are another discussion entirely rather I’d like to focus on the emotional side of things… or the lack thereof. We find ourselves wanting to escape the stress of our daily mundane lives. Crawling out of our own skin we want to immerse ourselves into various worlds to “escape”. We consume media in frightening amounts. Our need to escape can become so great we devour games and books without blinking.

We spoil ourselves.

In our attempts at escapism we occasionally find that “thing” that scratches our itch. Given this is a game review I’ll name a few relevant ones. The fallout series, baldur's gate, stalker, minecraft. The list is rather impressive and subjective. Yet think of each of these favorites as a bottle of wine, eventually you have the urge to try something new. This is where escapism can turn… sour. While holding our favorites close we tend to seek out similar experiences. It can help us find hidden gems, new communities, and various other things to keep our minds occupied but it’s also a flawed way of thinking. Wanting a game like fallout might lead you to underrail or wasteland but each is a drastically different experience, especially if the person likes the first person shooters (FO-3, FO-NV, FO -4) but game play deviation aside even if one were to find a game which comes close to scratching that escapism itch we slowly start to compare experiences.

Imagine for a moment you’ve grown attached to a wine, It’s flavor, smell, and taste are so unique but you sip new wines longing for that same sort of experience Suddenly you find yourself believing every other bottle or vintage is average and you long for that exciting experience you had with your favorite bottle. Or say you like some rare or obscure wine, to truly enjoy the flavor you have to have the right foods, the right temperatures, such a thing can be hard to suggest when the person you are talking to has only had bud light. Do you see what I’m getting it?

Last example I’ll give before we move on to the actual review. As with wine we like to craft our escapism experiences. Take a look at something like DayZ. A zombie survival game. It should be a simple concept but various factors and wants/needs of the community have shaped it into something complex. You have to eat and drink to survive and you have to do it “often”. Did you know we also have to consume food in real life to survive, change a flat tire in order to get a car moving, and we can even break our leg suddenly while walking down stairs. When the game reflects our daily lives… just what are we escaping from. I’m very guilty of wanting a complex, bloated system which takes an excel spread sheet to manage… but I’m also guilty of liking bug light.

What’s this obtuse word salad have to do with a game made by piranha bytes? Plenty. You might have heard of “Elex” though watching youtube where an African Warlord reviews the game but perhaps you were looking for a new experience. If you are said person looking for a new experience and want to take a risk, just do it. Except nothing and go on an adventure. With the examples listed above our biggest issue is pushing our own expectations of what the game should be and what the game actually is.

Elex is far from perfect but it can depend on what you consider perfect. Melee combat feels a bit rough. I’d suggest you turn off auto aim for the best experience. It feels complicated at first but it’s important to experiment and make mistakes. You can’t just dive head first into a mob, the monsters scattered about the starting area will kill and embarrass you. By the time you leave the “tutorial area” the devs have given you tidbits of knowledge about what’s actually happening in the world but he did warn you earlier you shouldn’t trust random strangers so take it for what it is and go explore. The game feels like it really opens up and you are limited by experience in areas sure… but you also have a jet pack which can aid in avoiding encounters and exploration. I’m actually impressed with how much you can explore.

If I went into this experience wanting an Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect like experience I’d be disappointed. Elex is certainly flawed in many areas but the more I play the more I find myself wanting to learn and explore. I think this is the best way to experience the game, without expectations. Try it, Elex might or might not be better than box wine but I feel it’s an experience that I can recommend.
Додано 26 грудня 2020 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
1.0 год. загалом
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
World of Horror is an unrefined gem.

It’s largely narrative driven. The player makes choices on how to progress the story. As you play you uncover new mysteries, new monsters, and new weapons. Some choices allow you to unlock skills which in turn unlock new portions of the current story.

The graphics are stylistic and unique. Often times it leaves you feeling uneasy. If you should play a chapter a second time you find little bits you didn’t notice before.

While the game is in early access I’ve enjoyed what is available so far. It can be a little confusing at first but if you are interested I encourage those to look at a few youtube videos but it’s also a game I can currently recommend.
Додано 26 листопада 2020 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
1.3 год. загалом
Marble Skies:

An excellent take on a ball rolling physics 3D-platformer. More akin to "Marble blast - Marble Blast Gold' than something like Super Monkey Ball, some levels have power ups which help you traverse the level. Sometimes the physics can take a little getting use to and in some levels it can be a rather frustrating endeavor. All in all a solid game that feels rewarding on each completed level.
Додано 26 листопада 2019 р..
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12.0 год. загалом (9.3 год на момент рецензування)
Rune Factory and Harvest Moon fans alike can find something special within Stardew Valley. From growing crops, mining ore, crafting new items, fishing, and even fighting monsters it really feels like this game has something for everyone. :3
Додано 28 червня 2019 р..
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45.1 год. загалом
Stalker isn't the easiest game to recommend but it's also a one of a kind experience you can't find elsewhere.

SsethTzeenrtach has one of the best reviews on the series located on youtube.


I highly recommend you to watch it, however there are also a dozen other meme filled reviews which delve into vodka, communism, blowouts, 420 weed lyfe. and bandits.

Yet do the memes transcend the core material enough to warrant an actual purchase?

Yes, pick it up on a sale
Додано 25 листопада 2018 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
16.9 год. загалом (16.8 год на момент рецензування)
Stress relief, team building, generator repair, and fun with pallets!
Додано 25 листопада 2017 р..
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