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Zamieszczono 29 lipca 2015 o 19:41
Zaktualizowano 29 lipca 2015 o 19:42

Hell of a game.

I spent more hours playing this than playing the main story in Portal 2. That's quite a lot to say for a free mod. The production quality was excellent, from the art and story to the voice acting. I've seen the voice acting get some criticism, but I truly thought it sounded fine. Including the Cave Johnson at the start.

The puzzles started at a step of difficulty above the end of Portal 2, making for a great game to follow that up. By the end, some of the puzzles were intense figuring out what order to do things in and what timing to do it. There are harder fan made puzzles for sure, but play through this and you'll be ready to step into the big leagues of Steam Workshop puzzles.

The story was quite good. While at times it didn't feel as connected as the story in Portal 2, it still made plenty of sense. And the scale of the game was amazing. By the end thinking about where I was it was hard to believe where I had started.

All in all, I honestly felt like I was playing Portal 3 and not just a mod made by fans. I wish they could accept money, because this would be worth it. Get this and play it, it's what a mod should be.
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