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Tercatat 24.4 jam
It blows my mind that this game was released 1998.
It's a true gem.
Diposting pada 26 November 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 26 November 2018.
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Tercatat 52.1 jam (Telah dimainkan 52.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A nice survival game with exploring, looting, resource/sim management, combat, building and fixing stuff element in it.

You start in an underground shelter, you as a player have to find out a way to keep your people alive.
There is a nice touch to details in this game, you can't go on a killing spree for exampel because your people will suffer from stress/trauma from doing so.
They need to use the toilet, take showers, eat, keep themselfs hydrated and keep the shelter clean because if not bad things will happen.
Venture outside of the shelter without proper protection and they might get radiation sickness, got no cure for it? well bad luck.
Oh and watch out for raiders trying to invade your shelter.

There is diffrent difficulties to choose from and you can even make custom choices to some rules to the game you want to start, which is nice.
There is scenarios aswell that adds some nice spice to the game.

All in all a well made game.
Diposting pada 22 November 2018.
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Tercatat 446.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 80.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A great co-op game!
Fight hordes of enemies all ranging from small ♥♥♥♥♥ rats to hulking beasts and armored Chaos Warriors.
The gore in this game is amazing as you cut, shoot, burn, explode, stab, slash and bash your enemies down they will lose their limbs, head or have their body cut in half. Very nice death animations.

I absolutly love the rant the characters in game have with each other.
For instance playing as the dwarf I took a healing potion when I still had around 90%+ health and the elf commented on it.
Saying that she would take all the healing potion from me if I keept doing it and the dwarf answered with '' It hurt '', that is some funny stuff.

Each character have 3 diffrent careers to choose from, all with their own set of talents, perks, abilitys and looks.
Finish a map and get rewarded with a chest with loot in it and if you find and pick up tomes and even a cursed grimoire it will boost the quality of the chest IF you manage to finish the map that is.
Salvage unwanted gear and craft your own! Customize the stats on the gear to your liking and there is several skins for weapons and for your own character as in helm and chest.

In game there is plenty of achievements to be done and you get rewarded for each and every one of them done and there is daily and weekly objectives to do for extra chest loot.

This game have ZERO microtransactions in it which is VERY commendable! It is amazingly fantastic!

I definitely recommend this game!
Diposting pada 8 September 2018. Terakhir diedit pada 8 September 2018.
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Tercatat 69.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 29.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
A unique little gem of a game.

This game will give you a challenge that is made up of a mix of tower defense, puzzle and rogue-like gameplay.
It is a fantastic mix that turned out to be well done!

So you start out in a room with a power core that you need to defend at all cost.
Opening a door to get entrance to another room counts as a turn you might say and enemies may spawn from rooms that you have previously opened but left unpowered.
The objective is to find the escape room and get the power core to the escape while monsters pours out of the unpowered rooms to get you destroyed.
The maps are all random, rng will either bring you down on your knees or roll out the red carpet for you.

So it is up to the player to think things through to make the best of a bad situation, what rooms to power up? where to place the heroes? what defense to use? and so on.

It has a steep learning curve but it is satisfying to eventually beat the game on easy.
Diposting pada 19 Juli 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 5 Juni 2020.
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Tercatat 150.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 51.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
So far overall it is quite a fun game but please Bethesda it could have been so much better.
I do love the spin-off of the fallout universe here but it is too simplistic and mole rats that wrecks your bunker and crawl through walls and floor like it was made of paper thin aluminium, that is just intellectually offending for the player.
Everyone in the room takes damage from 1 radscorpion as if it actually was a fire in the room, too obvious and it is just as annoying to see.

Only 2 dwellers can occupy the vault door room which is the most important room you would think to actually defend and there is no option to build a defense system? turrets? guardbots? hello? How about a guard/security room that will automatically send dwellers occupying the room to the area of emergency?
The vault door is made of what? Ghouls breaking down a solid metal heavyduty vault door with punches and kicks, sigh..

Would have made it more interesting to be able to be sieged by raiders/creatures, forcing you to break the siege so your wanderers could return inside the bunker and be able to send out people to explore or go for quests again.

Being able to choose if you want to start building outside the vault to setup trading routes with settlements which you unlock through exploring would be a thing, being able to build up a town connected to your vault would be cool aswell.
Doing so would increase the risk you would be discovered by raiders/mutants/ghouls/creatures.

Raiders stalking your wanderer to your vault which would lead to severe attacks on your vault/outside settlement, you being able to launch attacks on raider/mutant camps to stop those attacks.

You are saying you are a million dollar game company yet release shallow games, where is the passion and creativity?
Make proper spin-offs of the Fallout universe and you will shower in money.

Make a new game called Fallout: The overseer, make it roguelike or at least that option to have that. If you dwellers die they die for good.
Make it so you have to hunt for food, have your own greenhouses inside the bunker and such.
A fallout bunker simulator! make it happend please !

Totally skip the realtime clock thing... waiting 10h for a weapon to be built is crap.
Not that I want everything to be instantly done but something more suitable for in game gaming if you know what I mean.
I mean the game is literally best played just by going into the game and press the green stuff and save exit asap before the mole rats spawns.

Then again this game was given for free which is very nice of Bethesda.

TL;DR: Overall fun game could have been much better.

Bethesda needs to do more proper fleshed out spin-offs of the fallout universe and not just another elder scroll reskin.
Diposting pada 1 Juli 2017. Terakhir diedit pada 1 Juli 2017.
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Tercatat 250.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 81.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
CA managed to make a great game with the warhammer license.
Even though it is heavy on the dlc side they have released free dlc aswell and that is fair enough for me.

Chaos being a dlc was a bad move from CA though but I can honestly say that the chaos campaign was enjoyable from start to finish (the long campaign even), worth the money.
I really liked the idea of not having to babysit keeps and provinces like a mad man and instead just go murder and pillage with your awesome army of Chaos warriors.
And what a character Sigvald the Magnificent is, lol.

I bought this during sale and I sure wish I had bought more of the dlc since the game is actually really fun and not as tiring like Rome 2 for exampel.
The game runs smooth for me and the game looks good.

If you like previous Total war games and a fan of the warhammer universe then this game is for you.

Can't wait for the rest of the factions to be released, such as the Skaven and the Daemons of chaos.
Diposting pada 21 Maret 2017.
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Tercatat 46.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This is based of the free weekend trail experience.

I like the game.

It's a rng turned based strategy game and a ''roguelike'' gameplay, if your men get knocked out there is a chance they get permanently dead or lose an arm, leg or an eye etc.

This is a great game to play blind, as in not spoiling anything for yourself as you play for the first time.
Diposting pada 6 Agustus 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 6 Agustus 2016.
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Tercatat 215.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 135.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Wow yeah, where to start.

I will give this game a fair review from my perspective.

This f2p game is actually quite good since you can get all the things in the game without paying for anything except for stash, with that said you will have to invest alot of hours into it that way.
There is alot of Heroes to choose from, some are unique, some heroes got the same skill as another but reskinned and some are just uninteresting.
The power effects that the heroes have are in most cases really good, it looks good to destroy the screen with lightning, magic and laser beams.

This game is an arpg much like Diablo 2, it got a story mode, it got kill everything you see zones, it got raids and diffrent levels of difficulties.
Everything which will feel very repetitive after awhile as you are trying to get the item drops that you want.

I can't help to feel that this game is shallow somehow and I have tried to like this game but it just doesn't connect with me.

Then we have the store in this game.
It is really, really overpriced and I don't see an excuse to why it is that expensive.
If you want to unlock all the characters in this game without spending alot of hours, then it will have the same price as 3-4 AAA games at release.
This game is good for being a f2p game but it's not that good that it will overshadow 3-4 AAA games worth of price just to have access to the whole game, as in being able to play all of the heroes.
Stash will be your biggest problem as a f2p gamer in this game, you will not be able hold alot of items in this game as a f2p gamer.
You have several diffrent relics that drops, runes, artifacts, crafter items, gear and what not.
Trust me it will fill your singel free stash space quickly and yes stash space costs you real money.

So now to a problem I stumbled upon in this game is the very sensitive nature of the chat in this game.
If you invest money in this game then stay away from the social/public chat in this game because your opinion or something that you wrote might very well be taken out of context and have you banned, either 7 days ban or permanently.
This server is hosted in the USA and their ''freedom of speech'' is heavily moderated.
Don't engage in religion, political, racist or sexist discussion or jokes, someone somewhere is going to get butthurt.
Someone might report you and you might lose all your invested money into the game if you get permanently banned.
That is going to sting since the store prices are really overpriced.

I got banned for 7 days for something I wrote that was cut out of its context and thus the text I wrote was seen as hate speech, admittadly I did have poor choice of wording and that together with cutting my sentence out of its context that the rest of the chat was invested in got me banned.

I fooled around in chat like I do in several other games but never have I been even warned or banned for that matter in my whole life as a gamer.
My best guess is that I have never been playing on server hosted outside of Europe and thus never felt the crazy restraint of speech before like I have done from a server hosted in the USA.
As an exampel I did some research about it and found that a guy got 7 days banned from writing in the chat that ''Hulk is ♥♥♥'', whether or not that is true I can't confirm but I wouldn't be suprised if it was.

I am thankful and happy to be living in Europe and God bless all the nations in it and the people.

TL;DR: Test the game you might like it but don't engage in the chat about outwordly things even if the chat is called SOCIAL, some americans are very touchy.

I don't recommend this game because for me its a money grabbing game but it's worth a try if you truly go f2p.
If you decide to spend money in the game then for the sake of your wallet don't engage with the chat, you might get banned.
Diposting pada 8 Maret 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 9 Maret 2016.
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Tercatat 40.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 39.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This is a turn-based rng game.
Not a game for the faint hearted.

If you like to be punished and learn from the experience this is the game for you.

I strongly recommend that you play this game without spoiling it for the first playthrough you do, go in and learn the game the hard way which is the fun way.
Diposting pada 3 Februari 2016.
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Tercatat 53.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 46.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This game is a masterpiece, it's a must own for any gamer out there.
Fighting is done very well, it's great fun and rewarding to master it.
Story is done well.
Exploring, secrets and riddles to be found throughout the game.
Fun boss fights.
Diposting pada 3 Desember 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 3 Desember 2015.
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