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Publicada: 19 jan. 2022 às 16:03

Its a great game, I do love it and I've enjoyed putting in the time, but there are still some bugs in this game that need to be fixed. I'll be fishing for lobster and at some point setting gear my lobster cage gets stuck on the table and every time I go to set it or pull it off the table, it ends up giving me a wooden cage while the steel cage remains on the table, and the wooden cage remains stuck in my hand with no where to put it. Makes no sense and then I end up having to go back to port sell all of my gear and rebuy it. Please bring back the old way of finding fishing locations on the map or at least come up with a better idea in that aspect of the game. It should be exciting, not painful.
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1 comentários
8inbagsag 10 dez. 2022 às 6:48 
This is a great game. This game costs people good money. How about an update? How about being involved with your community?