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投稿日: 2021年6月17日 18時30分
更新日: 2021年11月16日 11時00分

This is a great total conversion for Call To Arm. Gates of hell is in my "top 3 best RTS/RTT" it's a fantastic game, lots of depth, lots of choices and most of all, real life tactics work. Call To Arms is garbage, it was from day one, but with this TC, Call To Arms has finally been made in to the game it always should have been.

*Update* (11/16/2021)

If your a fan of any of the Men of War series, you'll love "Gates Of Hell".
plays a lot like it but, 100% better. Just can't say enough good things about this TC.
Just a shame you have to waste money on "Call to arms". But it's for a good cause in buying "Gates of Hell".
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