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投稿日: 2021年11月19日 2時59分

Dear Dice,
Remember when the community begged you to delay the game after the bata? Maybe you should have listened to them eh? This is beyond unacceptable.
Even without the bugs, the horrible performance and the awful HUD the game has some design concepts that in my opinion is just terrible. For example the maps, in the base game there are seven massive maps. Now a massive map might sound good for something like GTA but for a shooter most of your time is spent sprinting to flag to flag on very open ground. There are massive parts of the maps that seem forgotten about with little cover or elevation.
Too many vehicles: There are far too many vehicles going in this game to the point that the you can spend nearly 5 minutes before you see another player running and gunning. Helicopters are really dominate in this game and because there will be maybe 4 or more up in the sky you can't really ignore/avoid them like in other BF games.
Then you have the hovercraft and jeeps, there are so many of these just yolo driving to either run people over or shoot them with the pretty strong mini gun. Unless you are in a vehicle the only defence you have is a rocket launcher, but the vehicles have a number of defence options and passive heals that make it unbearable against a good player.
Gun Spread: They have really messed with the AR's in this game. In the bata they were strong. Now? Don't even bother, the spread is so harsh that shooting anything from mid to long range, you can pulse fire but that doesn't really solve the issue, hit detection is all over the place. The weird thing is SMG's don't have this problem. The SMG's are far more consistent at range and don't even get me started on the PP-29.
Lack of Features: What ever happened to assist count as kill? like i hate nearly killing someone for only one rouge bullet from a teammate taking the kill. I am sure this was a feature in the bata wasn't it? No campaign? Lack of guns in the core game? Scoreboard - This is gonna be fun when hackers come.

Sorry dudes i am just ranting at this point.

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