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11 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Amo Age of Mythology! Mas isso aqui é sacanagem.
Podiam ter aumentado o preço do jogo base por 20 pila e eu não ia reclamar, mas separar as imagens antigas desse geito?
Helooo, isso deveria esta junto com o jogo base até como forma de honrar a ensemble studios
Posted 29 August.
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76.9 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
O jogo é um remake completo do antigo Age of Mythology com muitas mudanças no balanceamento com foco em ranked play. Do sigle player de novo no momento tem apenas a "batalha mítica" da Frey, já aviso que a dublagem brasileira ta esquisita, com os soldados nórdicos falando em português e o Gragarensis falando em Inglês... Bem tenho certeza que eles vão consertar isso em algum momento.

O mais importante eles acertaram que é fazer com que o conteúdo continue sendo o Age of Mythology mesmo com todas as mudanças. Os Deuses tem algumas tecnologias novas, os mapas possuem mais recursos, a cap de população é maior, heróis podem ser treinados enquanto sobe de era, poderes divinos podem ser castados mais de uma vez em troca de favor, entre outras mudanças. No geral fico com a impressão que os Deuses estão mais especializados na forma de jogar do que o original, por exemplo: Zeus foca em agressão com infantaria, Poseidon foca em agressão com cavalaria e Hades foca em defesa com arqueiros, isso já existia no original mas aqui achei mais pronunciado.
Unidades míticas são bem mais fortes do que o original e possuem habilidades especiais que podem ser castadas manualmente, mas também são mais vulneráveis a heróis.
É bem bom pode comprar, mas também não espera que vai ser exatamente as mesmas mecânicas antigas, isso é uma evolução bem clara do original.

Gostaria de ver uma campanha nova ao invés de apenas um cenário pra promover o novo Deus, mas acho que eles vão expandir bastante o jogo nesse quesito ainda. O novo balanceamento da campanha deixa a desejar, unidades míticas estão bem mais fortes, mas não adicionaram heróis nos exércitos inimigos para balancear fazendo com que Hydras carreguem com grande facilidade. Os primeiros cenários da campanha dos Titãs está bem mais fácil em relação ao original também.
Posted 29 August. Last edited 8 September.
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10.5 hrs on record
There`s no reason to play this now that XCOM 2 is out. This is game is simply too unpredictable and not in a way that makes it challenging.
The difficulty here comes purely from a place of the combat system not being well tought out or well presented to the user. Let me give you an example: My soldier is taking heavy cover in a truck, my other soldier throws a grenade to kill an alien, the grenade radius is CLEARLY away from the truck. The truck explodes anyway killing my soldier. You get what happened here? Your interface gave you incorect information!! This isn`t acceptable in a strategy game, it would be one thing if your grenade had a % chance of hitting the spot you want, but that isn`t the case. The game makes it clear grenades alway hit the "right" spot.

Another example: You set you soldier to overwatch. An inactive pod of enemies move on the other side of a wall. Your soldier shots at them trough the wall, at a place where he CLEARLY should have no line of sight. The shot somehow goes trough the apparently transparent wall, activating the pod and screwing you.

Bad line of sight is all over this game in general and you can never know when something will shoot you trough a wall or even if you will be able to shot at something that's in front of you. There's no bad tactical decision from your part, nothing you could have done better with the information the game gave you, having to guess wheter the game will interpret a CLEAR shotting position as a shooting position is unforgivable from a gameplay perspective.

XCOM 2 fixes literally everything that's wrong with this game.
Posted 27 August. Last edited 29 August.
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45.1 hrs on record
It's Danganronpa, if you played the first and second you know what to expect from the mystery cases (most of the game), with the difference being that the cases are even more complicated (necessary because people already played the last two lol) and the mastermind has a bit of a different end goal than usual. Characters are all great, lying mechanic is cool, several bold decisions from the devs to keep things interesting... Yep, the game itself is good.

My one big complaint is the very poor pc version, like I open the game and my pc assumes I'm using a controller? Worse if I try to play without one game just bugs out and starts pushing completely random buttons non stop. There was even an outrageous sound bug that changed my pc audio to an "xbox headset" that didn't exist! It persisted even after closing the game. And who the hell tought it was a good idea to limit your view while moving on school grouds? Why can't I walk looking upwards/down? This decision is weird to say the least. Bugs almost convinced me to give this a negative review even tough it's a well done Danganronpa.

I'm not going to say much about the ending in the interest of not spoiling it, while I can see why people would be mad at it... Do keep in mind that the mastermind was probably lying like crazy in the last trial, the ending is very open ended and almost nothing can be decisively proven or denied.
Posted 23 December, 2023. Last edited 23 December, 2023.
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16.4 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
Traitors! Traitors everywhere!

My entire kingdom colapsed when my king died (of natural causes) at the worst possible moment and his heir was superweak. Everywhere rebeled and I hit a game over, been a while since last time that happened.
Was playing with aggressive ai mod and everything on Legendary tough.

This one is underrated, you can go ahead and buy it.
Posted 23 November, 2023. Last edited 23 November, 2023.
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27.0 hrs on record
One of those games that makes me wish there was a "neutral" option. Plenty of cool mechanics added... Plenty of great mechanichs from old total war titles removed for no good reason (what happened to agents? Why is public order so easy to manage suddenly? No naval battles? Why does it feel i'm following a "predetermined" path instead of playing the game myself? What happened to strategy?). Somehow caimpaign manages to feel both, shallow and oversimplified as well as quite cool in what it DOES do well. Also UI is quite bad on the diplomacy pannel and who the hell decided it was a good idea to add "quick deals" to it? It's a strategy game for god's sake stop trying to hold my hand.
That being said the "spy" system is quite cool and characters relationships are fun mechanics.

Battles are easily the worst part of this game, fells like i'm playing a cartoon, what happened to Atilla's grit and realistic combat? The decision to split in your own armies into "retinues" make zero sense and make it harder to give orders for no reason. There are clear good and bad units and they aren't really properly defined in roles like it used to be in Shogun 2, it's waaaayy to easy to abuse "night battle" + "Fire arrows" to cause a mass route. Battles are about a bunch of "skills" and abusing broken mechanics rather than actual strategy. Sure it can still be quite entertaining for what it's, duels are funny even if they relly on the AI making bad decisions and don't actually make sense from a gameplay perspective, would have been better if duels were a campaign feature with victory and defeat videos.
Posted 9 November, 2023.
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63.4 hrs on record
Company will release new broken cards/decks on purpose, they will leave it for you to buy if you want to stay competitive. Once some time has passed they will remove/limit the broken cards in the name of "balance". Next thing they do: they release NEW broken cards and the cycle restarts.

Overall I can't recomend it because the company abuses the forbidden list to make more money instead of removing cards that are problematic to the game itself like the feature was intended to.
It's fine if you just want to play some speed duels for fun, but be warned about trying to build a metadeck.
Posted 3 September, 2023. Last edited 2 October, 2023.
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330.2 hrs on record (310.6 hrs at review time)
Mais de uma década após o lançamento esse jogo ainda é uma obra de arte, a mecânica de realm divide faz um ótimo serviço mantendo um desafio do começo ao fim (esse é um dos poucos jogos de estratégia em que isso ocorre).
Todas as unidades servem posições reais no seu exército, nada de 30 unidades diferentes que fazem a mesma coisa como em outros jogos da saga.
Combate naval serve um propósito que se mescla perfeitamente com a "corrida" para construir uma economia forte.
A Diplomacia faz perfeito sentido em um combate onde cada facção serve seus próprias interesses (facções não irão hesitar em cometer traição se lhes interessar), com facções mais fortes destruindo as facções fracas em massa. A campanha é tanto uma perseguição pela vitória no campo de batalha como uma luta pela percepção que outras facções possuem sobre você (se é visto como um "alvo fácil" ou não).
Fall of The Samurai é tão bom quanto a campanha Sengoku Jidai e é tudo o que uma verdadeira expansão deve ser.
Posted 2 August, 2023. Last edited 2 August, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
119.8 hrs on record (39.0 hrs at review time)
Very very good,

im only 34.9 hours in and i can tell there is still plenty of content.
There is a crazy amount of content for it's price.

Do notice tha i'm playing the game on Cruel difficult with all advanced dificult options (except limits to growth) active (always chalenge mode).

The good:
Great Story
Great Characters
Great Gameplay
Great Mastery System
Good advanced difficult options

The bad:
Nothing? Just buy it. lol
Now speaking from a personal point of view i would love for there to be an "Ironman" game mode where there is a real chance of your company going bankrupt if you fail too many missions and all enemies are drastically stronger, the fact thata there is no way to "lose" the game kinda takes away frome the tension present in games like XCOM. A mode meant for people familiar with the game and that want a true challenge. Do notice this is just a personal opnion from someone that's very familiar with strategy games, doubt many people would end up using this, but i would love it.

This game is really special and deserves an overwhelming positive rating.
Posted 6 January, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 8 Jan, 2023 @ 7:14pm (view response)
1 person found this review helpful
43.7 hrs on record (43.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Used to be great but cant recomend anymore, the new civilizations create situations free players have no way to deal with
Posted 9 November, 2022.
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