Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
11/30 (37%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Serpent Hymns

Discover Sunken City
Avattu 13.1.2017 klo 14.23


Discover Moonstone
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 11.36

Creation Myth

Discover TowerForge
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 23.10


Discover Ascension
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 23.20


Unlock the White Archer
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 11.42

Fabled Recluse

Unlock the Yellow Archer
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 23.27

Demented Thespian

Unlock the Cyan Archer
Avattu 21.1.2017 klo 12.48

Demon Queen

Unlock the Purple Archer
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 23.21

Sleepy Master

Fall asleep in combat
Avattu 23.1.2017 klo 18.38

High Treason

Put on the King's crown
Avattu 13.2.2017 klo 15.28

Way of the Order

Complete the first 3 towers of Quest mode
Avattu 15.1.2017 klo 10.02

Battle Stenography

Earn 90% of the awards in Versus mode

Dex Check

Beat 10 diamond times in Trials mode

Thief's Badge

Beat 30 diamond times in Trials mode

Time Lord

[Dark World Expansion] Complete all 48 stages in Trials mode, with a total best time of under 3:00

Tall Tales

Play 1,000 rounds of Versus mode
323 / 1,000

Massive Mythology

Play 5,000 rounds of Versus mode
323 / 5,000


Complete Ascension in Quest mode

Crimson Shield

Earn 8 red skulls in Quest mode

Golden Goddess

Earn 14 red skulls in Quest mode

Reaper's Crown

Earn a gold skull on King's Court in Quest mode

Wretched Seer

[Dark World Expansion] Complete The Amaranth in Dark World mode

Lady Abigail

[Dark World Expansion] Complete Dreadwood in Dark World mode

The Blind Lich

[Dark World Expansion] Complete Darkfang in Dark World mode


[Dark World Expansion] Complete Cataclysm in Dark World mode

Dream Team

[Dark World Expansion] Complete the four main stages of Dark World mode on Hardcore difficulty

Dark World Conquerors

[Dark World Expansion] Complete the four main stages of Dark World mode on Legendary difficulty

Last Stand

[Dark World Expansion] Complete Cataclysm in Dark World mode, on Legendary difficulty with no continues


[Dark World Expansion] Complete Dark Gauntlet in Dark World mode, on Legendary difficulty with 2 or more curses active

Speed of Light

Hyper Jump across a level