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I streamed every moment I played this game save for a few hours of offline exploration, all my words come from myself and only me, they're not just regurgitation of online reviewers and personalities, This has got to be one of the best 40$ Expansions to any video game ever, but lets be real that is NOT a high bar to clear considering realistically the only 'bar' is held up by WoW expansions really. But lets start with the good then I'll move onto the bad.

The Good: Boss Music is the best its ever been, it just barely beats out Ringed City in those regards. Many of the new Weapons and Weapon types are fun and don't really power creep the base game when it comes to utility and application save for maybe Great Katanas and Drylead Arts. The World and art direction? Fantastic, every single bit of it makes you want to explore (And that's actually a huge negative later on.), There wasn't one area I went too that I didn't find boring Aesthetically, not even my most hated areas in the game those being Finger Ruins and Abyssal woods (More on those later.) The world is filled with stuff to fight, materials to find and bosses to run into or even get jumpscared by in a few occasions funnily enough. None of the Spirit ashes are particularly broken, some are even fun to mess around with really and many of the quest rewards are great, you can complete every single quest in one run, only 2 require NG+ For every single reward to my knowledge. Shadow Keep? Honestly Shadow Keep is the best Legacy dungeon they've ever made and it isn't just a ONE TIME visit one and done type deal, completing it requires coming at it from 2 different locations and there's just so much to find within it though there is sadly an extreme lack of secrets but that's an Elden ring thing, they've saved those for the catacombs all of which are passable but filled with gimmicks this time around but none are too annoying, some are even funny. The Bosses I will slap into this section I would have to say are Mesmer, Romina and Leda/Allies. But that's... sadly it. Maybe Bayle? I killed him first try despite everyones complaints about him so I feel my opinion on him might be skewed to high hell. Sadly though, the only other thing I can put into here is Armor found throughout the DLC is great.

The Bad: Performance Issues: I do not know what happened here. I have a 3060TI and never had this game chugged for me up until this DLC. The game stutters, Completely Freezes up, Crashes and makes bosses absolute hell to deal with.

Exploration: Where to begin with this one? Sure, the world is beautiful and makes you want to explore but I hope you like cookbooks, cause I sure ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ don't. Do you like MASSIVE AREAS of barren wasteland dust that would make a Fallout game look alive? You'll LOVE the Finger ruin where there is nothing to find save for 2 quest rewards and a horrible Miracle. The Abyssal woods? Cookbooks, several of them. Nothing else of note or value besides the worst gimmick enemy FromSoft has ever made all leading up to a fairly solid boss battle with Midra who you'll sadly already be salty with because of the Abyssal woods being dreadful in every aspect. When I say there is nothing to find, I mean it. The Jagged peaks WOULD fall into this but it's a straight line and not at all offensive with some nice things to find. Very few but I'm not asking to be handfed like a baby. At least it wasn't just COOKBOOKS. Sadly everything else? Exploration is compensated with Smithing stones, tons of them by the hundreds. Useless for a longtime player really unless it's an Ancient variant. Sure finding the new stuff is all nice but it's few and far between.

Fragment System: An amazing idea executed poorly, so poorly it was patched within 3 days of release and still sucks. I like the idea and it works but you need 50 and they put exactly 50 on the map.... 40+ Of which are frontloaded to the LEFT SIDE OF THE MAP making exploration on the entire Right side of the map and the northern finger ruins absolutely useless save for a couple you find on the main path anyways minus 1 in the abyssal woods you have to 'explore' for. See how we keep rounding back to exploration? Fromsoft doesn't do open world rewards very good. But this Fragment system doesn't feel good and even when you're at max level 20 with blessings, you're tickling the endgame bosses with a feather duster while they beat you over the head with a solid iron fire poker they pulled from under their beds cause they woke up a little extra crankier than Maliketh after a bath.

The Bosses: Fromsoft has lost the plot here with many of the bosses. Many of them are a pubic hairs length away from being PERFECT but Fromsoft just HAD to add some streamerbait ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to many of them. From Rellanas INSANE tracking and 50 roll catches, to Radahns BULLET HELL boss battle that has 2 instakills throughout the fight. Rellana is good, don't get me wrong but she's where you'll see the DLC begin to fall apart in its design, wanting to be actively hostile towards its players now rather than challenging and fun. Every combo has a roll catch, her tracking is like a pitbull going after a toddler and magic damage is as annoying as always. Lion Dancer... between destroying my framerate and turning my camera against me, I have nothing more to say. I like the fight but I'm never gonna call either of the 2 Lion dancer fights GOOD. Fun, sure but not good. The Golden Hippo is Solid, not too much nonsense but at the time of playing Hippos were glitched and their grab attacks had a bigger hitbox than intended. Giaus... I don't have to say anything about Giaus he's just horrible in every single way, fundamentally flawed, a horseback boss that is faster than your horse.

The Final Boss: The worst boss they have ever designed by far, nothing comes close not even Day 1 Midir. This boss has nothing redeeming about it. If a boss basically REQUIRES a certain build for the vast majority of players to beat, it's a bad boss. Sure you may like it, hell I even liked it but I'm not going to glaze FromSoft. This boss, Radahn is where they have proven they have their head up their ass and he didn't even take me that many attempts because I just opted to Bleed him out. His first phase is fine, a bit annoying but fine, just barely fine enough to be fair if you're in anything other than a light load. But phase 2? FromSoft decided to openly let their disdain for us be known. This is not a fair challenge, this is not fun, this is not cool, this is just a spectacle whose main attraction is to kick you in the nuts over and over again. It feels like it was built to FORCE you to use the Mimic Tear, to summon, to pull out ANYTHING to win. Beaten delayed 8 hit combos, Bullet hell, An Instakill Grab (If you get grabbed twice), and then TWO NUKES? One of which NUKES MY 3060 TIs framerate making it near impossible to escape. I go from 60fps to 23fps. Several times he'd break time and speak and my GPU to kill me as well but more on that after this. You can also perfectly dodge his combos but still get killed because not only is he swinging 100 times a minute, he's also shooting 100 rounds per minute with holy pillars of light following EVERY ATTACK. This one singular boss makes me no longer excited for what comes next if this is what their design philosophy is and I may be done with Souls-like games after this, I am no longer excited, Radahn made me crestfallen and my victory over him felt so Hollow because I resorted to turtling and bleeding.

This is not FromSofts Best DLC, It's just their most ambitious. The Ringed City is and always will be their best piece of DLC Content, or Bloodbornes DLC. This comes close but SoTE isn't even as good as the base game. The community has been content starved for 2 years, within the next month they'll take off the rose tinted Glasses. I genuinely do not look forward to future FromSoft stuff if this is their current course they're taking. This DLC should've been shrunken.
Publisert 6. juli.
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0.0 timer totalt
Billion Dollar Company can't even launch this crap right. Don't buy until it's fixed Will change review when it's actually playable
Publisert 4. juni.
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1,161.3 timer totalt (1,148.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I love this game with all my heart. I love the community, it was my first PC game my young self got to experience and enjoy. Over the years I made friends with people I talk too today, developed M/K skill with this game as my basis and even put in some money to support it with loot boxes (Despite my utter hatred of them.) My best memory with my dad was when the Strange Festive Huntsmen came out and I wanted one so my father for christmas got me a steam card to try my luck. Right there with me we got it in just 4 Keys and I've never ever considered trading it since, I still use it to this day. Now? All of that feels... meaningless. It's not like TF2 Died and went offline, no. TF2 ever since Jungle inferno has been the neglected child of Valve thats gotten worse and worse over the years to the point VALVE is actively allowing their own customer base to be at risk alongside a giant bot invasion thats gone on for 3+ Years now. The game is unplayable, not everyone wants to have to play on a sweatfest like Uncletopia (Sorry I love you guys) or other community servers where it's marginally safer to be. Alongside the bots, there is a massive campaign of doxxing, AI voice fakes and whatnot going around by the very people hosting these bots in which Valve continues to do nothing about. This game isn't worth coming back too, it's not worth getting into, the risk alone should steer everyone away until Valve gets off their asses and PROTECTS ITS PLAYERS which so far they've shown not a single desire to do so. Do not buy keys, do not play this game, do not download this game, steer clear if you're curious about it.
Publisert 3. juni.
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175.1 timer totalt (150.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
After a lot of push back, bad decisions were undone. I love the game, even in its worst moments and can highly recommend. It's fun, fantastic and always a blast but please be aware that the balance team hates you, don't get attached to fun weapons cause they'll be dead in a month.
Publisert 3. mai. Sist endret 6. mai.
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65.1 timer totalt (56.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is the perfect example of a companies suits seeing a big bucks trend happening and going "I want that." While said suits also head a company well versed in Microtransaction heavy games like Dragon Ball Legends (Same Dev company, Same IP Owners in fact.) It's basically Xenoverse 2 if the games combat was a Handicap match of 7 special needs children Vs The Highschool Wrestling teams captain, and Xenoverse 2s rather fun and engaging combat was reduced to 3 buttons and everything hits like pebbles against Abrams Tanks. It's an amazing time waster (IF you can get into a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game) With friends but playing with a bag of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is also fun with friends, ANYTHING is fun with friends so that isn't even a Pro, it's more a Con of this game. Speaking of which, I'll go into the Pros and Cons right now. But first, a note. This game had so much potential, so many fun ideas and concepts. The Developers clearly TRIED to make something good but... they made a 20$ game that feels like a 20$ game. DIMPS is clearly stretched too thin as they are managing several titles including this one. I was skeptical upon seeing the game at first but had every worry confirmed as the months passed by and it's a damn shame and this is SOLELY because of how the Japanese handle IP/Licenses.

Pros: 1) Games don't last too long like they can in DBD at times
2) The combat while leagues below Xenoverse 2 is simple and easy to understand albeit ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ at times.
3) The Battlepass System (I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate Battlepasses) is literally just "Play the game, You'll get a few tiers a day." and they last a good few months.
4) Raider Selection Is nice
5) It isn't another DBZ Story retelling
6) Abilities are fun to use (IF YOU GET THEM THAT IS)
7) Mobility For Survivors is actually pretty nice.... If you get the abilities.
8) It isn't GT.
9) It Only Costs 20$

Cons: 1) The Gacha System is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Horrible. Everything about it. The Grind, The lack of Pity, Several Currencies and the AMOUNT of base game currency needed to even get a Multi in is criminal. 50k Zeni would be fine, 150k Is terrible especially NOW.
2) The Cosmetics are insanely overpriced, Raider Cosmetics are purely recolors.
3) Balance is Abysmal, Either Survivors are unstoppable and impossible to wipe out or Raiders are unbreakable walls who you have no chance against (Cell is the biggest offender closely followed by Ginyu Force)
4) Abilities are locked behind the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gacha system which is horrible.
5) This game Cost 20$ And Has a Gacha system alongside Paid Cosmetics.
6) Japanese Players ruined the game, this much is a FACT because they complained their games were far too laggy, all of 30 of them and proceeded to get the game region locked making the game impossible to play for most people and harder for others.
7) Solo is almost the only way to consistently get into games.
8) Duo or More extends your wait times because everyone is wanting to play with friends rather than solo.
9) Cue times are horrendous, especially after the Region locking and now you see the same 10 people game after game making it horrible as people begin hating each other over previous match grudges.
10) Raider cue is broken, almost always and has been now for almost 2 months straight.
11) Inputs are heavily synced to your internet connection so you can spam E or Space 5 times and have nothing happen.
12) Unpaid cosmetcs cost way too much Zeni to be even worth buying.
13) Previous BP Items don't come to the store (So Far)
14) The Stamina bar makes rocket launchers useless across the board
15) Energy Shield is practiclly Mandatory.
16) Ki Spamming is King.
17) If it isn't obnoxious and annoying to fight, it's not good.
18) DIMPS listens to Raider players and only Raiders due to the fact that there's so few players, if there's no raiders, there's no game.
19) No Crossplay keeps player numbers at 400 Maximum if lucky. Average is around 275-350 making the Region Locking unbearable.
20) Playing with friends still has you in your own secluded lobby so it's not even like you can ♥♥♥♥ around and run around the central table to distract yourself from the ever increasing Wait time counter.
Publisert 26. desember 2023. Sist endret 26. desember 2023.
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149.4 timer totalt (5.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
While I massively enjoy the game, and personally find it to be potentially one of the best games of the past decade. There's some issues. The game plays well, enemies are fun to fight despite wonky windups in their attacks and... questionable boss design in the beginning. It doesn't PERFORM well during all of this. I'm running the game on a GTX 3060 Ti, and while the game is running great most of the time, when I REALLY need it to run perfectly, it doesn't leading to constant deaths. The gae world looks phenomenal but what's the point in caring about how pretty this game is when I'm running off cliffs, being combo'd to death and dying to a boss on the final stretch due to frame stutter? Would I recommend this to console players? 100% If it's stable there. But for PC? Right now, if you can deal with the stuttering here and there, sure. Though unless a patch comes out sometime soon.... wait a bit.
Publisert 24. februar 2022.
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1.9 timer totalt
Despite my minimal playtime, I can already tell I myself wont like the game despite loving RTS's. Its tutorial is ass and you get absolutely punished for it considering said tutorial is within the campaigns main gameplay. It guides you to do the dumbest things, like attacking a midgame pirate army just because they are pillaging your lands who mind you come between turns 5-10 (I was playing with the Skaven.) While the game is good overall, I do not recommend it to those like me who need a tutorial to learn the ropes, it is best to have a friend teach you if they are willing to invest the time, otherwise don't even bother. My review might change in the future but I don't see it happening anytime soon. While the gameplay is fun when it gets going, starting out absolutely sucks.
Publisert 8. juli 2019.
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Allahu Akbar/10
Publisert 1. mai 2016.
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0.6 timer totalt
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This game has GREAT! potential but theres alot of stuff that needs to be fixed such as hit detection, Shotguns, Snipers and some other guns. But other than that. This is a fun fill mess at the moment but i cant stop playing, I especially love how fast everything is.
Publisert 28. august 2015.
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58.7 timer totalt (12.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Honestly. I love this game. It has hours of fun (If your with your friends) But... im just gonna list Pros and Cons to make this fast. And Yes i would recommend the game to a friend even with all the Cons becuase as i said. This game if fun with friends not randoms.

Pros: 1) The Gunplay is amazing and it feels so rewarding when you pop off the zombies heads
2) Current Characters are nice
3) Enemies are the same from the first game (as of now) and it feels good to see them with new graphics
4) Blood everywhere and it doesnt cause lag (atleast on my end)
5) Music fits the game
6) You arent overloaded with money in the beginning so you dont become OP right away (unless you run shotgun)
7) Fun experiance with friends just like the first
8) Easy for new people to get into

Cons: 1) Guns feel weak no matter what once you get good with them
2) There is not enough content for the games price
3) TWI is taking their sweet ass time to push out updates
4) Characters Repeat the same damn lines over.. and over.. and over.. and over again
5) Character customization pretty much is Either different clothing color or facepaint and a different hat. Nothing special
6) Its almost impossible to communicate with randoms
7) Support Class is really over powered
8) Community is the one making content for the game through mods faster than TWI can even push out new guns
9) Little gun variety
10) Bosses are nothing but bullet sponges
11) Sprinting feels slow not matter how much weight you have on you and very stiff
12) It feels like Killing Floor 1.5 Instead of 2
Publisert 23. august 2015.
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