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Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 653.9 tuntia (489.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Soo after some solid 500 hours i thought giving this game a review.
First of all Black Ops 3 is a huge improvement since ghosts and has made the pc community grow up a little again.
20-30k playing the game so yeah population is bigger since last cods.

-First of all in my opinion the campaign is kinda stale.
The missions feel so repetable waves after waves of enemies to go to a point there are not so many intriguing moments like ghosts campaign for example even advanced warfare had better campaign in my opinion.

The fact though that you are in a safehouse before every mission is pretty nice.
You can customise your classes and that gives a better extend gameplay wise you can approach missions in different ways.

Sniping from far stealth all in or tank mlg.

The campaign is not one of the good ones in my opinion sadly it's OK but not good to the level of other campaigns.


Zombies are fun again great easter eggs good gameplay nice storyline and a starting map for everyone with a huge replayability factor.
I haven't owned any DLC so i can't speak for other zombie maps except the starting one but from what i have seen they are great too.
Customising weapons here great addition too.

Only thing i would call a negative is for example ze tsubo no shima or the heck the maps name is xD
It takes such a long time to set up everything.

Now Multiplayer:

The thing that most of us buy COD for.
Is it fun? Yes of course it is.Good weapon variety great secondaries great smgs ar's sniping in this game is the most fun i had with snipers ever since cod 2.

Though the game becomes stale for me at least after some moments.
What i mean by saying that is i can't go play straight 4 hours the only way to do that is with friends and laugh at TS alone it becomes stale quickly.

Gameplay wise i don't think its balanced gun game wise.

They buff shotguns in console but don't see that shotties in pc are OP .

Pc's shotguns are pure cancer to be honest..
Fast firing and 2 3 shots to kill.
One more bad thing in my opinion is the great mistake to put 100% aim assist in controllers.
What happens with that is even unskilled guys killing you cause they aim will follow you like aimbot.
I am not a bad player have a solid 1.8 kd which dropped from Dark Matter i have a nuke etc 300 lvl.
Its not that i can't deal with them many times i win gunfights but the huge possibility of a bad player killing you of streaks only because he had the crazy amount of aim assist is frustrating . It just declines as a PC game by giving the capabilities of controllers from consoles to PC.


Sadly its not a good optimized game.
Even youtubers with monster PC's get only 80 fps and most of the times drop under 60.
AW had better optimization personally could play Everything high constant 91 fps constant.

Here i have to downgrade my screen resolution to get these 100-80 fps that will make the game playable.

Tip: don't buy this game if you don't have 8 gb of ram at least, 6 won't do the work this game eats your ram like a hungry man GPU at least with 2 gbs to be able to run the game 80+ fps

If next COD is a failure or any other cod these could become the Bo2 of our days.
It can live long especially when MODS come out we can expect crazy things in zombies multiplayer ETC

Would i recommend this ? game yeahh i would but it has its cons and some are annoying but still HUGE improvement and mainly FUN FACTOR IS GOOD
Julkaistu 17. kesäkuuta 2016
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 59.8 tuntia (13.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Man i just bought it for pC i have been playing with friends in their ps3 all the time and i love it.
But really no my team? i know about hackers and all these but still it is unfair for those who love the pc game.
Julkaistu 10. kesäkuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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