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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 380.3시간 (평가 당시 50.3시간)
게시 일시: 2022년 8월 27일 오후 5시 54분

앞서 해보기 평가
I have to say, when I saw that Obsidian was putting out a survival game, I was very skeptical, as in my experience it's not generally their wheelhouse. However, after playing my fair share of hours of Grounded (50 at the time of writing this review), I am fully on board. It is not the most complex survival game I have played, and in terms of base building it lacks some of the depth of Ark or The Forest, but no survival game that I have played quite captures the vibe of simply being an animal trying to survive in an environment that is constantly trying to kill you as well as this one does. Danger lurks behind every corner, and you will be fighting for your life at every turn. Whether it's looking for food/water, building shelter, or fending off a wolf spider, Grounded perfectly captures the feeling of impending death that accompanies a survival situation like the one that these kinds of games attempt to evoke. The more dangerous creatures in this game are truly terrifying, and it is constantly a fight to carve out an existence among the grass of the backyard. I highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Ark, The Forest, or Raft. And to top it off, this game looks absolutely gorgeous even if not played on the highest settings. I can't wait to see what the full release has in store when it drops a month after the time of writing this review.
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