SlugLife SleepocalypseNow
Ecchi Scissorhands   Netherlands
18+ i'm fat, poor, ugly and stupid :pooangry: so i dont care about what you want. i'm here to live my life :wowspurr: (im Anti-Trust, so i dont befriend people online much, which means dont send me random invites & i never send links)

i locked down my comment section because of... at least 3 weirdos who keep coming to my profile and posting the same comments over and over like ''you're crazy'' & ''you're an ageist'' (once or twice a year) they need mental help, because i am not interested in sick people. :cookiecalm:

someday i will be a famous drummer, until then... i'm chillin with videogames.... i prefer 18+ games... :BlobboCheer: because i love adult content. :universe: i will never regret that my tastes are of the very mature content variety, needless to say this is why i never want any minors on my profile and for some reason a dozen minors already tried to befriend me on Steam, so i blocked em. i dont even believe in friendship so trolls will be blocked. :cartmanscream: capiche? :panwarn: Adults Only Zone :2016watermelon: i repeat, i dont want trolls or minors on this profile, you were warned. :karma:

- it's time that people accept we are living in a society, im not into transgenderism, but if you know history as well as the animal kingdom then you will know that trans, drag and gays are normal as they have been around for over 6000 years, like hello, we live in a society, it's time to accept that we live in a society - George Constanza

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Created by - Yunie (absent) and Roje
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DONT FRIEND INVITE ME... without a good reason (im very open about my Love4Adult content & i change my channel like my name...OFTEN because it's fun, it's not a stalker tactic, i almost always have less than 10 ppl on my friendlist because i love order), i dont see much of a reason for our F-lists to connect.

(i used to have over 600 friends on a videogame, then i realized it was doing nothing for my mental health, so i deleted them all..down to like 12 then i quit the game, lol,im bad at friendship but only because most people are manipulative or cold.... just unwilling to be an expressive & a kind person, IMHO) i dont trust in others when it comes to friendship, only myself. my body is my 1 chance to be yeah...

IM NOT SOCIAL, im unsociable, i'm unacceptable to society, so i spend my days with TheDaydreamingAddiction and napping... Drowning in The Abyss (T2 ThumbsUp) as i melt into my bed

it's extremely hard for me to keep people on my friendlist... (duh, i live a different path, stares into the light of my WC)

(the smiling face of the online rambler... changing things up, im no longer accepting friend invites unless you comment on my profile, because people are weird, they invite but say nothing, im done with that) If you want One of my cards, let me know. If i don't want to add you (or delete you off my list), clear my list A LOT, don't take it personal (if you do then you are nutty or you didnt read this text, that's your bad), i stopped making friends because im paranoid & sensitive. if i dont know why you are befriending me and you dont tell me, i will probably block you, or delete you off my list within a month. i dont like random invites at all, usually. but i would add you (usually) to see what you are up to & i would keep you added if i feel you are worth the effort (IF I BLOCK YOU; it's because you are toxic/mean/abusive, or i think you are a stalker and you are Agent 47.... im not here to befriend rando people, unless i feel like they are worth the effort... sometimes i block people because i just need to not socialize with them for the moment, as i dont understand why they sought me out, for that i am toxic myself and i apologize, but not much i can do about never being able to believe in others).

sidenote:i try to avoid hackers too... duh. this is one reason why i avoid adding unknown crazies to my list & make no mistake, most people are crazy... i played a lot of grind MMO games but i havent logged into those games for years & essentially, i dont care about em anymore.(but i still seek to avoid being hacked)

i believe in HARD WORK, which is ironic because i dont work IRL, so don't beg me for stuff, i'm mentally ill & i will always be phobic to peoples... :winking_asuka:

i love looking at profiles, but i got the biggest trust issues imaginable... as stated above.

NOBODY is mentally ill for their own enjoyment, as far as i can tell, unless deep down inside... the mental illness is forcing them to where they truly want to be, that does seem likely at this point, i rather have a harem in my dreams than be abused in this reality, i guess... not sure yet. #TakeMyWife #PleaseTakeHer #Joking

random thots:

booty and tiddys are not the only thing women bring to the table, both men and women should know... cute faces and the love of a lady is also brings value to them, as well as everyone wants to feel useful... so work hard and make the trade-off worth it. :)

you can't make other people change, you can only move yourself to where you want to be

a wise man once said: Love will always cut you down to size and Hate pushes you to where you need to be in life, so it's okay to go with the flow but be careful or live wilder.

people assume they can keep taking everything they want, why do you think we die? because nature reclaims that which is given... think about it.

i think what it all comes down to is a guy is looking for something beautiful, kind, useful, loyal & playful... if you dont fit this box of traits, most guys will move on, or they never wanted to stay to begin with...i mean me, i adore sluts but this is just some advice for women who seek something more trad.

something i realized decades ago is that most people are schemers, gossipers, manipulators, i felt it wasn't worth my time, and through such doubts and reserved mannerisms, i eventually became okay with being Alone Forever, yesh, i am a Forever Alone Guy. so, no i can never tell if you are being sinister, sneaky, sly or Simply Naughty

relationship status? what is that? but im already married to Kyrstal Boyd and Dirty Nanali in my own mind! Also, you dont want to befriend me if you like Politics or Extremism, and Racism is just bullying.

every person has a natural porn right to live freely in a civilized society, in nature we eat each other.
Mood today (GTFOoH is my default TBH) ThePerfectionist in Backstabberville
:rocketlaunch: the only reason i dont like posting my age on Steam or anywhere is because people will use that as an excuse to be offensive... like if i say hi... some person, mostly women will be like ''you're older than me screw off'' it has happened twice in 20 years, but it's kinda messed up that people do that... im in my late 30s BTW. And stop getting offended, you aint that special.

:theLenny:there is only one rule in life... be great to other people & be amazing to yourself. [it's a very hard act to follow, but things that are harder to complete usually carry more value]....i dont love you i just love her body. i may like you, i may want you, but im too allergic to peoples to try, so breathe in & exhale.

i know better than you (unless it comes to socializing) accept it, I'm fatter, more loser, more messed up, more strung out on useless pain, more wasted, more damaged, more hopeless, more isolated and ...the only thing less about me is i'm useless... so im not here to steal your crown, i'm the king of losers. :LIS_star:

(please dont buy 10,000, it makes my PC crash) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) i add those with boobs (i mean females)

im not much of an active user, i'm more like an active abuser #That'sMyFetish & i wouldnt know what to do with love or friendship if in landed in my lap, dont make me deal with you... anyways...if you need paranoia... i have enough to feed an army, but if you feel gay, then you can friend invite may... i was trying to make this rhyme. (but not if you are one of those gay dudes who think they can turn me away from straightness... i dunno how to behave with guys like that, i'm very hot & yeah, i dont care who is gay or trans, just dont expect me to join the group, lol..and im not a good trans-ally)

ALSO, im one :2017meatball:of those straight dudes who think i can convert lesbians to straightness but it's just a kink, don't get your panties in a bunch.

i dont even know what to say in a conversation with a stranger anymore... waiting for them to finish speaking, knowing when to stop speaking, it's all so alien to me now, yikes. (i never used to speak at all)... is this all a prelude to the beginning of loneliness? because i've never felt alone in my whole life, so i've been thinking about that for 20 years, if i dont feel it then where did it go?

OnlyFriend invite me if you have big boobs & you dont have lipfiller (sure, fake lips can look real good but they look so alien 20 years later). also you have to have shaved armpits :clownworld: (im trying to hint that no guy likes Lipfiller, the boobs part is a joke though, i love all boob sizes, my family has big boobs, so i like girls who have no boobs too)

BTW, THOTs of the Week: ...i missed a few weeks, so for the stalkers... fave adult models of recently:

Luna Lynx

Brooklyn Lee

Nicole Love

Maria Gold

Me Every Steam Sale:

... more people, more problems... talking to some unknown dude for 20 minutes when i didnt even sleep last night, and i feel like isolating myself to play videogames all weekend, why do i waste time trying to be cool? especially when people ask me my name... uh, it's on the profile, >.< wth man? (call me Vigo or Zombae... bae for short... AND NO im not into scatman... you leave that filthy song where it belongs)

spacing out in the moments betweet lust

Epiphany: only bots and males are online because men left the kids to be raised by the womenz. :rep1: ... in a very ironic way, men are developing who they are right now, since we are no longer grinded up by society in wars, not like we used to be. :GhostScared:

i never said i wanted your noods, i just asked if you have an OnlyFans, i'm a man of class... i'm not gonna be your BF... i'm a wanderer in search of boobies, bubble butts (booty cleavage is hot... i love protruding butts..ANYWAYS moving on), great games and kind people, that's all. :soa_think:

i make typos so you dont have to

3 things to repeat when you are feeling hopeless:

1 time heals all wounds, no matter how dumb that sounds... every problem has a solution... or time will at least degrade it.

2 your genetic code is probably over a billion years in the making, value it...(this doesn't mean you have to have kids, it means you have to be yourself, make your path, hug yourself)

3 be kind to yourself and look for the kindness in others, let them bring out the best in you. (because you can choose to die at any moment, but you cant always choose to live) :heavy_metal: now back to my evils, because i like sin

reality is IRREPLACEABLE & it is what you do with your body, so i delete people when multiple of my red flags are triggered... like verbal abuse or really racist comments.
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my custom Kastrull submarine stripped of adult content and most items, for those who like basic vanilla style subs. besides the name on the sub there are no adult themes, besides the gore in the vanilla game, of course. moved a few things around but it's a
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Too Paranoid To Care & i Never trusted Friendship, Nuthing is Real in the Matrix
I'm that way. think too much, talk too much or talk too little, stand there like a statue and ignore people who want my attention, how much more can a life take? :DS2_Marker:

hugging Koalas will give you

The Eternal Middle Fingers










I make tons of gamertags & i dont believe in emotions...anyways

I'm not a cannibal, i promise (i just like ninjas and zombies) & if you are, move along. not interested.

however that does bring up something that has been bothering me for years now, if you are a female and you dont know where a guy lives/his full name AND his parents, dont trust him.

men can be more lethal than they seem, just like women can be more trouble than they are worth, if you ever want to ring on my doorbell, dont, just move along.

everybody is weird and we all got problems, but you're not mines.

Adults have to sort their own stuff out. :DarkKnight:

that's a dark note to end on, but i keep reading about how women are abused... while online and i'm like, what are these women on? put down the alcohol... now back to my selfishness.

SideNote: good guys always win, remember that, because the world is a vampire, we are born into a place that tries to drag us through the mud for being the best we can be, never forget that & dont apologize for being yourself. you dont need anyone to validate you... just like i never did.

taking a moment from my vanity ramblings to be of help to the community, if you read this far down i will solve all your problems, you need identify your problem & how it began, Now just dont phk'n do that... well congratulations, your problems in life are now solved.

i dont like corruption, so i dont do many friendships, get it?

Wetwipes kill turtles... toss em in the trash (Do Not Flush), because it takes 100 years for those to degrade

ZombaeNinjaVirus is the name i used most on Steam (in case ya didnt know)

(also, i dont like lolicons & im not attracted to trans, and furry folk are a bit weird... you're weird! weird, weird!)

it is KNOWN that people over 30 years old are extremely corrupt....except me though, because i never go outside. the majority of people who want to befriend me just want someone to distort, that's why i pull them off my list... the things i want in life are often not respected, therefore i dont need most people.
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i wanna have babies with this soundtrack, i often find that a soundtrack can be... annoying with the vocals but this one is spot on, i drown in my couch, i get lost in my bed, someday i will be dead, until then... we kick it off, dread. #EnergizedVibes
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She's like ''YES! i'm totally gonna get laid''
2 2 1
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excellent soundtrack, so many unique tracks and it all plays out for a long time... which guarantees a cool experience. (over 2 hours of music, definitely a recommended purchase, the only criticisms one could offer IMO is that it's a bit repetitive in how the beats escalate and a couple tracks are bland, but i see that as merely a matter of nitpicking), Every piece of art is it's own thing.
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these arent really for trade, i'm just showing off. i'm an old grump with no friends, what else am i to do? i got the freedom and the right to be who i love to be.

Also, if you start a videogame REVIVAL project that revives awesome old games, i'd trade you my soul... games like StarTrek Armada & StarTrek Starfleet command 3! #TheBoysAreBack
Thanks for reading all this junk from a sick mind, a very sick mind! ...i lost my mimd many years ago... thanks again!

Everything is temporary, but that dont mean i want to lose what i got, duh!

i'd like to introduce you to a game i love to play called 24... you got 24 hours left to live, what do you do?

it's a fun game because the goal is to see what really matters... now get away from me, dont touch me, im very clingy... so keep your social distance.

CPU Brand: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor
Speed: 3400 MHz
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
Primary VRAM: 6143 MB
RAM: 32698 Mb

(ง︡’-‘︠)ง i've got no choice... i must fight until i find my way out.

(if i had one question i could ask society i would ask... Where are your Male Pride Parades? Where are the Flash Mobs who dress up as men who maintain the sewers, so we can all live on clean streets? Where are the Straight Pride Parades, to thank families for giving us life?)

i might reject (invites) from people.... who got game bans, because like i said... I'm paranoid and stop cutting down all my trees for your paper, go digital where it is possible.

men live in anger... so be careful with them, pretty girl. mental health issues, anger issues, we are programmed to fight wars so peace is not our strongest tendency. there be groomers and abusers among us

i believe when the world truly understands itself... then we will know peace, until then... it's always going to be war time. a mind that lacks imagination is always more likely to be criminal.
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(Finally a sub that can kill Kratos, just don't tell him i said so). This was supposed to be my final Submarine edit, but things have changed, like the Winterupdate CRASH check notes. 16 weapons (6+1 turret CAPABLE constantly manned), guns and ammo, armor
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2,101 hrs on record
last played on 26 Sep
4,200 hrs on record
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last played on 26 Sep
SlugLife SleepocalypseNow 24 Sep @ 10:09am 
Just A Minx belongs to me. :zagwow:
SlugLife SleepocalypseNow 23 Sep @ 10:21pm 
what is real? is it my dirty underwear, is it money, is it power? if im gonna be gone soon, then what is the point? just be yourself, live the life you feel is best for you... im too busy LARPing as a Mercenary online to pretend to be someone else :Tongue1:
SlugLife SleepocalypseNow 23 Sep @ 1:59pm 
Animals dont need us to set up gas lines through Africa... so what does the planet really need?

SlugLife SleepocalypseNow 17 Sep @ 5:14pm 
i just realized something extremely alarming... while playing Summer with Mia. the current old generation are the hippies and the disco crowd, we are only a few years away from the white boys who pretend to be black being in their 50s, lol...that's alarming in a weird way... they will want a pension soon, that's so weird. :soa_think: dudes who were in their 20s during the 1990s are now int heir 50s, no wonder why everything is going straight to hell.:skerwolf:
SlugLife SleepocalypseNow 14 Sep @ 11:47am 
humans are fed a lie that good times make weak people, when we should already know that training is everything, reading a book every 2 months and training several times a week is what keeps a body strong not ''bad times that make strong men''

it's a hoax... that somehow poverty makes men stronger, it doesn't. it makes them do dumber things, like 32 men taking over a housing complex for gang related reasons. :fsmeh: you build a country with books, work and rule of law, but for them to be strong... you need military training.
SlugLife SleepocalypseNow 13 Sep @ 10:55pm 
not addicted to power, so it's obvious that people would ask me if i am addicted to.... H content, that's obviously a no, but since i felt like church was full of people who just wanted to find a date, i turned adult content into my church :snowmanl: There are no chains on me