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DR_awsomo's 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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11-16/16개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 8.7시간 (평가 당시 0.3시간)
DONT biy theis game it costs an arm and a leg to get all the content that wood normaly be part of the hole game it runs like garbidg it constently herases you for muney despite spending god nows on this travesty it still hase content hidan away thruw oregan with just mackes it harder to get the hole expereants you will never spend a resnabal price for this game so dont bother wating or about a year fore the sales just so you dont feal like you were totaly robed it is teraball id dont no why ea didnt just provide all of the game in a delux packeg that if the ea did that and soled the finisht produckt WHIT ALL THE DLC MICRTANSACKSONS PAGATES exeta delt with and fixt up the grafix modals and overal plesht it up so it didnt rus so abismaly and finaly aded multyplayer AND mod saport i wood be more then hapey to part with perhapes £30 to £35 for it ... i whode still biy it in the sales and i whod advise you do the same IF thay did all the things i just listed but as is its just a diskusting desplay of corparat greed and controle DONT GET THIS GOD AWFALL GAME it has no thalue for monney and it sit has the gall to presher you in to more microtransackshons after perchasing all the dlc to charge £329.80 for ane incomplet produckt is discusting the bace game it self feals baron and boring and it still is lackluster onec you finaly owen the hole ............ thing if eney one ethan can stumock spending that mutch money and time just to get it
sorey for the lack of gramer exetra ps DONT GET THIS GAME
2016년 1월 24일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 65.1시간 (평가 당시 55.5시간)
fun chalenging and yes no B.S money grabing tackticks it is fun and chalenging and isnt a dlc ♥♥♥♥♥.
this is a grat game with some intresting fetchers aded for the pade market no need to shell out for esentshales :)
and i am peranaly glad thet thay didnt tern it in to a wolet leatch the onley corperat scumy nes is with the zombey macker whitch means thay own what ever yo make on it :c i dont yous it and i sagest the same to you it wood be hart bracking if thay tock what i made and ysed it whith out promishon gatechod or evan agnoegmant/refranc and wood kill the game for evan the more detatcht player is it good thaly yes in the sale it dosent ofer thery mutch elss in this one then the free to play one but when its on sale or if you love this game like me i whood harterly recomend it agane sooooo glad it wasent crupted by greedey ...........
2015년 11월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.4시간 (평가 당시 7.2시간)
this game is grat can be a bit to chalenging at times for thos with sertan disabloteys sutch as atisam BUT it is doaball and mit inprove you skills if you are like me its vishaly butifall and is intresting fro out cood yous more detekting / evadans finding ir if there is that perhapes a lital intr so that you can gather zed evadants but overal good thaly of time and money therey fue glitcher dee and dums eyes for instants 1 set blue the other brone but can and will change randomley at inopatun times ass well and mite crash if playd for exesiv amonts of time or resinkein uther ven that its a grat expereants and is defanatley worth your time and money if you like point and clicks or are just geting in to them like me
2015년 11월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 67.5시간 (평가 당시 66.8시간)
you must get this game
the sotry amasing
tuns of customisashon
hasnt aged badley
a grate game that will mack you finck after it and play it agane ane agane and agane
grat thaly for just a £10 if on sale wich it frecquntley is biy it
the onley ishos miner grafickal problames on some sistams colecktabals are a faff no real esey way to re triy clases barbers are cloves shopes PS esey to mis that and thats it and that is under intens scrutaney as i sed be for YOU MUST GET IT it will mack you remember why you are a gamer and
the hole thin is so relatabal and funey evan if you live in lets say the uk like me
its worth evrey peney and more you will not regret this
2015년 11월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
its ok not worth the cash a moder cood pobaly make this pake in an arfter noon the skull is a beter wepon then most tho. but realy this sort of game/dlc isnt grate its just largley retexchers. i think that we shod as a comunatey stop funding in to this lazey sort of game developmant and just saport games that offer desant content and dlc's that offer real desant expatchons like lonsom rod fallout. games that listn to the comunatey offer desant AND stabale poruckt at a fear price witch dosent fear the moding comunatey. afteral this inbaticular franchis has been depley efectid by modes in the past.
but realy we shod invest in dovelopers that are mor itrested in game devlopmant content and story raver then chep nockoffes after nock off and seporating gamers with the cash in there pockets
2015년 3월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 92.0시간 (평가 당시 45.5시간)
its ♥♥♥♥
2014년 1월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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11-16/16개 항목을 표시 중